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"What movie are we watching?" Calum asks while he and Luke make popcorn and I sit on one of the bar stools by the kitchen island.

"You were supposed to choose." Luke sighs and takes a seat next to me.

"But it's at your house." He says.

"You volunteered to pick the movie." Luke points out.

"Jessica, you choose." Calum says and crosses his arms.

"What? Last time I chose the movie, we watched Mean Girls."

"Put it in the burn book." Someone says and we turn around to see Michael walking to the kitchen.

"Calum didn't choose a movie to watch." Luke says and Michael rolls his eyes.

"Shut up. It's not a big deal, we'll just watch whatever's on tv." Calum says.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Harry Potter is on tonight." I say.

"You like Harry Potter?" Michael asks.

"My favorite movie. I have a Harry Potter tattoo." I say and roll my left sleeve up to my elbow. I how them my tattoo of the Deathly Hallows just below the back of my elbow.

"What does it mean?" Calum asks.

"It's the Deathly Hallows sign. It's a whole other story about three brothers and death." I say.

"Explain the story." Luke tells me.

I tell them the story about the three brothers, the Elder wand, cloak of invisibility, and the Resurrection Stone.

"So we're watching Harry Potter? Aren't you fucking obsessed with it?" Ashton says when he joins us in the kitchen and I nod.

"I guess." Calum says.

"Where's Harry?"

"In the bathroom." Ashton says.

"Hello." Luke's mom says and walks into the kitchen.

"Liz." Calum says and nods his head.

"How are you darling?" She says and he hugs her.


"How's your mum?"

"She's good."

"What about you boys?" She asks Michael and Ashton. She stands behind my bar stool with her hands on my shoulders while she talks.

"I'm good and my mum is good." Ashton says.

"Me too." Michael says.

"We're not getting pizza tonight." She says and Luke groans.

"I want pizza." Luke says.

"I'm making pasta." She says.

"Fine." He pouts and stands up. We all go to his basement and sit on the couches.

I sit next to Harry and Ashton and Luke sits on the floor in front of me.

"I still don't understand what's going on." Harry whispers to me.

"What is so hard to understand? It's just a movie."

"Why is he trying to kill Voldemort?" He whispers.

"Because he's the dark lord." I say.

"That's fucking stupid." He says.

"Shut the fuck up." Michael groans.

I feel a hand on my arm and I turn to Ashton who's tracing my tattoo.

"I like it." He tells me, keeping his eyes focused on the black ink.

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