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"Fantastic Friday?" I ask," what's that?"

"A couple teachers dress up as magicians and during lunch they do weird shit," Luke tells me when we get to our lockers. I had ran into him when I was walking to my locker and we started talking.

"Do you know who dropped my car off at my house?" I ask him.

"I did," he says and shoves his Vans backpack in his locker.


"It was taking up too much space," he says," you've got good taste for car colors."

"Well thank you," I say and he walks away to his first period.

"Take your seats," my first period substitute teacher says," I've got a seating chart that your teacher left for me."

"Arrange yourselves according to the picture on the board," he tells us and we all move to our seats. My new seat is next to a guy named Zayn or Zane he said he changed the spelling to Zayn.

"I'm Jessica," I say.

"Zayn Malik," he tells me. We're both. in the center of the room, two rows from the front of the class.

It's finally lunch and I decide to go off school grounds to get some lunch. I make my way through the crowd surrounding the locker next to me.

"Jessica," someone says behind me and I snap my head around.

"Hey," I say when Ashton jogs up to my locker.

"Hey, you want to grab some lunch?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say and grab my car keys and phone along with my wallet before we walk to my car.

"I can drive you," Ashton says.

"My car is closer," I say.

"My car is literally right there," he says and points to a black BMW parked right in front of the school.

"We're taking mine because if we take your car I won't be comfortable changing the radio station," I say since it's the truth. I can never settle on one radio station; I always have to flip back and forth.

"Fine," he says and we walk to my black BMW. I have the same car as my mom.

"Where are we going?" I ask Ashton when I pull out of the school parking lot.

"Where ever," he says.

"What about Chipotle?" He asks.

"I've never been to Chipotle," I tell him.

"Wow," he says," really?" He asks and I nod," it's like burritos and stuff."

"Okay," I say.

After ordering we sit down at a table outside and eat our burritos.

"Good?" Ashton asks.

"Very," I say and wrap up the little bit of burrito I have left.

"What time is it?" I ask Ashton when we're on our way back to school.

"12:58," he says.

"Shit," I mumble," fifth period started 8 minutes ago."

"What do you have now?" He asks.

"Trigonometry," I say.

"Smart," he says.

"What about you," I ask and pull into a parking space.

"History," he says and gets out of the car with me.

"Ooh fun," I say and we walk inside. We get caught by security and we're ushered into the main office.

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