thirty first

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"Does your mom hate me?" Ashton sighs.

"What?" I laugh.

"Does she hate me now? She used to like me, does she still?"

"Why wouldn't she?"

"Because he cheated on you." Michael says and I involuntarily cringe." Sorry."

"It's fine." I say.

"Does she like Luke?" Ashton asks.


"She doesn't?" He says and turns onto his side to face me.

"Nope." I say and stare at my ceiling.

"Why not?" Michael asks.

Well, because she walked in on Luke and I making out in my bed.

"I'm not sure." I lie.


"Luke just texted me." Michael says.

"What did he say?" I ask and turn on my side so my back is to Ashton and I'm looking at Michael.

"He's here." He says and I lie back down on my back. Ashton traces my tattoo again, with his arm draped across my stomach. It's pretty uncomfortable because he's my ex, but the feeling of his finger on my skin makes me tingle.

"Oh." He actually came instead of going to the party.

A few minutes later Luke bursts into the room and his eyes dart to Ashton's arm on me.

"What the hell?" His voice loud in my quiet room.

"What." I say and Ashton moves his hand so I can sit up. I cross my legs at the foot of my bed and Luke hovers above me.

"Luke, chill man." Michael says and stands up.

"Don't fucking touch her again." He hisses at Ashton, who is now standing up and only about a foot away from Luke. His eyes are wild, and his hands are in fists at his sides.

"Luke, it's not a big deal. I'm sorry." I say quietly and try to hold his hand but he shrugs me off. Michael comes between them and I quickly get up and pull Luke's arm.

"Don't fucking touch me." He growls at me. His fist goes up when he turns to me and I shut my eyes tight. When I open them I'm in Michaels arms and Luke's on the floor with Ashton above him.

"Oh my god, Jessica." He says and quickly stands up.

"Don't fucking touch her again." Ashton growls and stands in front of him.


"I didn't hit her." Luke yells at Ashton and walks past him to me.

"I'm so, so sorry." He says and hugs me tight. I look at Michael who's bewildered.

"What the hell is going on in here?" My mom yells when she barges in. If everyone learned how to knock before walking in everything would have been fine.

"Nothing." I say and she walks over to me.

"I said, what the hell is going on in here? Someone better answer me of all of you are out of here." She yells.

"Mom, it's nothing." I say and push Luke off of me. The look in his eyes make me feel like I just kicked a puppy.

"It better be nothing because I will not tolerate this kind of shit you bring into this house especially on my sisters birthday. Either sort out your problems or get the hell out." She says and storms out of my room.

"Damn." Michael sighs.

"Jess." Luke says quietly and tries to hug me again but I dodge him.

"I have to go to the restroom." I say and fast walk out of my bedroom and shut the door behind me.

lipring≫l.hOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora