twenty fifth

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"Danny!" I say and hug him around the neck.

"You look fucking awesome," he says into my shoulder.


"Welcome back to New York," he says and let's go of me. He helps me with my bags to his small sports car.

"I hate this car," I sigh on our way to his house.

"I really don't care," he laughs.

"Well alright then," I say.

"So what's new?"

"Nothing really," I say.

"You said you would tell me the story of you and Ashton," he says.

"Oh," I say," that's a long story and it's pretty boring."

"I want to hear it,"

"I really don't care," I say, mocking him.

"Shut up,"

"So anyways," I say," you bought a house."

"Yes I did,"

"Why would you buy a house when you're 19?" I ask.

"I didn't want to live with my parents and I got my trust fund so why not?"

"Oh right," I say," you're filthy rich."

"That's right,"

"So how's Molly?" I ask.

"It's a big change dating her and she's kind of super fucking annoying," he says and pulls into a driveway that leads to a huge house.

"Holy shit," I say," this is not your house."

"Holy shit, yes it is," he says and gets out.

"I hate you so much," I say and we carry my bags to inside.

"I know you do," he says," and you really don't need to stay at a hotel because there is plenty of room for you."

"Wow," I say," thank you."

"The plus side to this house is the awesome parties you can throw," he says," the nearest neighbors are half a mile away so there's no problem with noise."

"Well then we're throwing a party while I'm here," I say and lie down on his couch.

"Your phone is buzzing," he says and throws it to me.

"Lucas," I say when I answer.

" Jessica, I missed your call," he says," so now I'm calling back."

"I was going to say I am in New York," I say.

"What time is it there?"

"I have no idea," I say," it's some time in the morning."

"Are you tired?"

"I'm still going by California time," I say," it's a 3 hour difference."

"It's 8:00am," he says.

"Oh," I say," why are you up so early?"

"Your call woke me up,"

"I'm sorry," I say.

"Is that the new boyfriend?" Danny asks and sits next to me.

"Who is that?" Luke asks me.

"It's Danny," I say," I'm staying with him."

"Oh right," he says.


"Listen you should get some sleep," he says.

"Okay," I say," I miss you."

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