twenty eighth

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We stay like this for a few minutes until someone asks me to move my luggage because it's blocking the front doors.

"I missed you so much," I say in his arms after I kick my suitcase to the side.

"I missed you too," he says and kisses me.

"We should go," I say in between kisses," before someone yells at us."

"I know," he says and I kiss him one more time before grabbing my backpack. He rolls my suitcase to his car and I follow with my hand in his.

"Where do you want to go?" He asks while I buckle my seatbelt and kiss him one more time.

"Anywhere," I say.

We drive to IHOP and we get the same things we got the last time we were at IHOP in Santa Monica.

"Your damn blue waffles," I say and he smiles.

"And your red pancakes," he laughs.

"You're cute," I tell him and he shifts expressions. What did I say?

"What happened with Danny?" He asks quietly.



"Uhm, when I was a sophomore I was really close with this guy named Alex and we weren't serious or anything we just... Anyways, one day he took a picture of me," I say," topless. Someone sent it to people at my school, someone blew it up into a big poster, and he hooked it up to our school tv's."

"I was made fun of," I say," that year was hell. I was bullied by everyone, or close to everyone, Danny was the only person that would talk to me. I lost all my friends and my own parents wouldn't talk to me."

"I tried to kill my self," I say quietly and his eyes pop," I took a handful of pills."

"Oh my god," he gasps.

"Someone found me in my room," I say," I was unconscious. It was stupid and when I look back at it I realize what a coward I was. I was weak. I wanted to deal with it the easy way instead of confronting the problem. Danny was there for me the entire time. Eventually we started dating and then we broke up when he said he couldn't pretend to be straight anymore." I let the tears I was holding back fall and he holds my hand.

"You don't have to continue," he says softly and runs his thumb along the back of my palm.

"I found out a few days ago that Danny paid Alex to take that picture," I say and cover my face with my hands," he was the one who sent it. He wanted to get closer to me, and he did that by hurting me."

"I'm sorry," he says.

"Don't," I say," don't treat me different. Don't say you're sorry, don't pity me. It's the past and I'm over it."

"He's a fucking dick," he says and I manage a smile. He stands up from his side of the booth and slides next to me. He wraps his arms around me and I bury my face in his arms.

"You can go to the rest of school," I tell him.

"Yeah right," he laughs," I would much rather be here."

"I really missed you,"

"Me too," he says and kisses the top of my head.

After we finish our food we sit in each others arms for a while. People walk past us and smile and stare but I don't care.

"You look good in black," I tell him and trace the edge of his shirt.

"You look good in everything," he whispers to me, his breath hot against my ear which makes me giggle.

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