forty ninth

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Nathan greets me with a big hug and a wide smile set on his face, both of which I return happily. He looks over my shoulder and his eyes dazzle while he looks confused at Luke's presence.

"Er, this is Luke," I introduce them. Nathan stands up from the chair he was sitting in and they shake hands.

"I'm her boyfriend," Luke clarifies loudly and grabs hold of my hand, which I quickly slip out of. One of the nurses who is cleaning the monitors chuckles to herself but not quiet enough so that we can't hear her. He doesn't get to claim me like an animal. I am not his. I sit down in an empty chair next to Kyle Cartman, Nathan's best friend and Luke awkwardly stands next to Nathan.

Kyle and I are in a deep conversation about the Redskins when I discreetly look over my shoulder at Luke and Nathan. They seem to be oblivious to everything except their conversation because they continue talking even when Kyle and I both stop our conversation to watch them.


"Quit staring at me," I tell her while I drive us back to school and she smiles cheekily. I take it she isn't mad at me anymore. I'm not really sure what I did, to be honest. She says that I can't miss her and that everything I've been doing was a lie but that's just nonsense. I love her a whole fucking lot, and she's a fucking idiot if she can't see that.

"You didn't have to come to the hospital with me," she tells me while shaking her head slightly. Her smile has faded, leaving a deep frown set in its place. Her dark brown hair is pulled back into an awkward ponytail that's braided. I don't understand her. One minute she hates me enough to not talk to me for two or some weeks, and the next minute she's laughing with me and smiling, and then she's back to hating me. Is she PMSing or something because she's hard to keep up with. A fucking Kardashian, that's who she is. We spent longer than she said we would at the hospital. The school day is already over so I let her run in and grab her backpack, I already have mine in my car. When she gets back in the car her perfume takes over the minty smell of my car. It's a warm and vanilla smelling kind of perfume. It's quite comforting.

"Have you got any appointments this month?" I ask her and her cheeks flush. Why is she embarrassed? She simply nods her head. Does she still want me to go with her or is she too mad?

I pull over to the shoulder and turn the engine off. When I look over to her she's already looking back at me with confusion in her deep eyes.

"Why'd you stop?" She asks me quietly.

"Why are you mad at me?" I ignore her earlier question. She rolls her eyes at me and I hit the steering wheel with my palms. That got her attention. "Quit playing these fucking games!"

"What games? You're the one who thinks we won't be able to be together when we're in our twenties!" She yells at me but her voice breaks towards the end. She's going to fucking cry. Fuck her. She doesn't get to cry over this. I was being honest when I told her that I don't see us together in 10 years. 10 years is a long fucking time and I won't make a promise I know I won't keep. She said she was fine with my answer. She said it wouldn't fucking change things. It's fucking unrealistic and she needs to wake up.

"Jess, 10 years is a long fucking time! Can you honestly tell me that we'll be together when we're almost 30?" I shout at her. I'm not sure why I'm shouting at her but she's shouting at me so it feels like I'm supposed to.

"Yes, I can! You want to know why?" She asks me. I stay quiet because I know she's not really asking me a question and expecting me to respond, she's just trying to get her point across. She does this a lot.

"I know you're going to tell me why," I mumble.

"Because I fucking love you you narcissistic asshole! Why are you so damn insensitive? Are you honestly that idiotic that you can't understand this? I love you and you're telling me that that's not enough for you! You're telling me that you don't want to be with me! I don't give two shits if it's unrealistic because all I want to do is be with you!" She screams as her arms cover her face. She's not crying. She's not crying. She's not crying. She's crying.

"Babe," I try to calm her down by pulling her close to me, well as close as I can get before she pushes me away and takes her seatbelt off. "What are you doing?"

"Don't you talk to me," she spits at me before getting out of the car, letting in a cold breeze. She slams the door behind her.

"Fuck," I mutter to myself and get out. When I catch up to her she hits my chest. I chuckle lightly and she makes a face that makes me feel like I just kicked her puppy. I don't fucking care. Despite her hitting and pushing me I pull her into a hug. She finally gives into my hug and she buries her face in my chest.

"I fucking hate you," she screams into my tee shirt. I wrap my arms tight around her back and she holds me just as tight. She hits my chest one last time before giving up and hugging me tight.

"Well, I fucking love you," I tell her and she sniffles. God, I fucking love her. I'm not sure why but I love seeing her mad at me. It gives me a reason to show her how much I love her. I love it when she screams at me, or when she tries to hurt me physically even though everything she does is fucking adorable and sexy. I can't wrap my head around how much she's been through. I want to be with her when she goes through more stuff but she's too much of an idiot to realise any of this.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" She whispers once she calms down. I'm still holding her tightly and she's still breathing into my chest.

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