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"Hey," I say when I take my seat in my physics class.

"I'm Melissa," she says.

"I met you yesterday," I tell her," I'm Jessica."

"Cool," she says," so you're like new?"

"Yeah, I'm like new," I say but keep the 'I'm like new' part to myself.

"Take your seats," the teacher says and claps his hands three times," the show is about to begin."

Over excited teacher, every schools got one.

The school day goes by fast and in no time it's 8th period, Spanish.

"Hola," Calum says when he sits in the chair next to me.


"We're in Spanish class, maybe you should make an effort to speak Spanish," he says.

"I already know Spanish," I tell him since I've known Spanish my whole life. My grandma isn't Spanish but she lives is Mexico and she speaks fluent Spanish which I've learned over the years.

"How?" He asks.

"My grandma," I say.

"But you're white," he says.

I can't help but laugh a little," she lives in Mexico and I go there almost every summer."

"Oh, sorry," he says with a smile and the bell rings.

After 20 minutes into the class, Luke bursts through the door and all eyes are on him.

"Late again, Hemmings," she says and writes something on a piece of paper," detention."

"Can't wait to see you there," he says and winks and everyone laughs.

"Just take your seat," she says and pulls her skirt down a little. I'd be uncomfortable too.

He turns around in his seat and stares at me.

"What," I say and try to look past him at the board but it's pretty hard.

"Do you have a chewie?" He asks and looks down onto my paper filled with drawings of tornados.

"A 'chewie'?" I say ask.

"Gum," Calum translates.

"Yes," I say.

"May I have one?" He asks.


"What the hell do you mean no," he says and grabs my pen from my hand.

"I'm not giving you gum. I've only got like two pieces left," I tell him and try to snatch my pen back.

A smirk sets across his face and I already know what's coming," gum for pen."

"Bring your own gum because I've got more than one pen," I say with a smile.

"Please?" He says and puts my pen back on my desk," I can't concentrate without gum."

I sigh and a smile sets on his face as I pull out a piece of watermelon gum and hand it to him.

"The fuck is this?" He says and eyes the pink wrapper.

"Watermelon," I say.

He unwraps it and breaks it in half before putting one half into his mouth. He plops the other half in and says thanks before settling back down in his seat.

"Hey Jessica," Calum whispers from next to me in his seat,"there's a party tonight and I thought you'd-"

"Calum and Jessica," Ms. Jordan interrupts us," stand and share it with the class."

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