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Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy born January 23rd, 1998 and died June 18th, 2018.

I started listening to his music after he died but I first heard him on a song he was featured called "Again" by Noah Cyrus. I have been listening to his music for 2 months and support his legacy.

His album '17' and '?' have been a great comfort to me in moments of sadness and feeling low.

His song "Carry On" motivates me to keep going. "Jocelyn Flores" is a song I listened to on the day of my grandfather's anniversary of his passing and it had helped me release my feelings instead of bottling them up.

His music was made to help people through depression and more personal struggles. You are not alone. It's okay to feel, it doesn't make you weak. It makes you strong as long as you carry on your journey and keep on fighting.

Please don't let yourself become numb. Your purpose is created by you, the reason for you being here is your own to figure out.

Do not let people tell you why you're here or what your future will be. Be mindful of your surroundings, and let only good energy reach you.

People who leave you are not who they said they are, if they are not ready for someone like you then that is their burden to bear. Learn to be enough, more to yourself before giving yourself to someone.

You deserve to be heard, loved and nurtured. Be good to yourself and others, help those who need it and let that become a part of your journey towards bettering yourself and those around you. 


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