I m p o s s i b l y Y o u r s

16 4 8

Note: This poem was a spontaneous, late night written piece. The words came to my head and I wrote this to express how I feel about someone. Thank you sistah Soph for writing this with me. @FetchingPenumbra, the credit goes to you. 

Your name fits so well within my
Vocabulary, it seats perfectly in
My dictionary among a million other
Words I've memorized then quickly

Threw them all aside just for you
It became the fruit of my mind, it
Quenched my thirst till I grew very
Satisfied. And you? What did you

Do in return? You rejected me, you
Treated me poorly, you shoved me
Away from you. Saying you don't
Want me, saying you want someone

Else, someone different, better than me
Because apparently I could never, ever
Be a part of your vocabulary, fit in your
Dictionary, I could never, ever be yours.

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