S e n p a i

14 3 4

Note: this poem is a co-written masterpiece, thank you Soph @FetchingPenumbra for doing this with me. I hope our future selves will have a massive laugh about it in years to come. 

"Notice me, Senpai!"

We follow a dangerous path
Into the depths of hell to
Be noticed by the one we
Desire, no matter if we

Burn from the fire or if
We lose our minds on the
Way there, level down till
The elevator stops, our feet

Scalded on lava heated floor
There isn't a way out now, not
Till introduction with the lord
Come, Hades is a man with an awful

Temperament, cold and cruel but has
A sort of attitude to make himself
Sound cool, With words we try to fool
Him, to get what we want, because

Love, love can drive a man insane
Make them do the craziest of things
Open up the world beneath her, take
Her into the Underworld to rule her

Make her Queen, clothes and jewels
Is all she loves, but a heart cannot
Be sold or bought with materialistic
Things, a heart needs careful care

And soft treatment, it breaks quite
Easily, you see, and you do not wish
To see the consequences of such an
Action, chaos on planet Earth by

Thunder, fire and water as the Gods
Unite and all that, because I wanted
You to notice me, notice me my dear

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