T e m p e s t

11 3 4

Darling, you have made a
Tempest of my mind, wild
Out of control, I bet you like
Me this way, easy to control

To use for your entertainment
Pull me under your influence.
Sway me forward and you won't
Have the strength to pull me

Back, my issues seem to be the
Least of your problems, I was
Important to you once, innocent
Till you placed your hands on

My mind, staining it with your
Touch, until it became too much.
The chemistry turned into dark
Matter, twisting me in every

Direction, making my heart
Flutter, this love of ours will
Have consequences, no matter
What, I was your daisy once

Now I've grown my thorns,
Dangerous for anyone who
Touched them, stinging them
Giving me a new name, you said

It suited me, calling me your
Poison ivy.

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