T r i n g l e

20 4 7

A/N: Those in the States, stay positive and stay safe.

F e a r

What will happen when

We're brainwashed?, led

By a man who will feed

Us racism, sexism and

Homophobia, stay close 

To your loved ones and

Pray for peace, every

Day is now a battle to

Spread love, kindness

And good, stay humble

And hungry, we're not

Done yet. 

D a y s  A h e a d

We'll cry today, feel

Devastated, our enemy

Has the power now, he'll

Ruin the country, he will

Spread his toxin across the

World, there is deep hatred

In his heart, towards those

Who are not our religion, not

White, who are women or who love

Others of the same gender, look what

You've done!, the votes were fair and

Square, it has doomed us all, we are

Human, with love, kindness and good,

Teaching each other good morals, equality

And give one another strength, so let's hope

For better days, do not waste your time weeping

And lying in bed, there will be bright and better

Days ahead.

 O n e

Take away the labels,

Break down the wall of

Division and see we're

More alike than different,

We're unique and we have a

Voice, we speak up because

It is our choice. Let's love,

Respect and care for one another,

We're in this together, we are a

Nation, one people under God, with

Liberty and Justice. 

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Copyright 2016 @smokeupthe-moon.

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