H u m a n N a t u r e

9 2 3

A kiss means more than one thing; love
It is lust, passion, comfort, reassurance
A hug is more than a friendly embrace, for
Comfort, for security, to bring a smile to

One's face, why don't we stop stereotypes
Before than stop us from interacting like
Friends, family, it is not all romance in
The air, these are necessary human ways of

Physical contact, express of emotions, we
All need to feel loved, cared for, secure
Around others, without hesitation, without
Hate blinding us and controlling us, ruining

Us, we're all one in God's eyes or maybe we
Have lost all sense of morality from lack of
Doing such human things, cold as ice inside
Nothing but a walking iceberg, asking to be

Hurt much more than we should, despised from
A lack of a positive outlook on a life we've
Put aside for a strange agenda, mysterious plan
Made with no intention to tell anyone about it.

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