B o n n i e & C l y d e

14 3 7

We belong to each other
We live for the fame
Swimming in money
And liquor, they said
He's too cool to love me
And I'm too young to care

I'm his Bonnie and he's my
Clyde, staring at the sun
Peaking through the curtains
I love how he looks at me in
Bed, said I have one, crazy
Insane head. Two reckless

Kids, living on the edge
Neither care about getting
Caught, we never will, if we
Die they'll call us legends, lying
Side by side, remembered in songs

And poems, written by loners, lovers
Who dream of a dangerous life, lived
Up on the tip of a knife, too caught up
In crime, running for the hills, screaming
On the top of our lungs, on empty streets
We made memories, some inked in black

And white, on crisp paper around cities
Where they cried they'll cuff us, caging
Us away cuz we're too bad, too bad for
The world to witness our greatness.

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