O l d e n D a y s

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A/N: Hey Guys.

This is a new poem I wrote while I still was in England, I was supposed to post this poem yesterday but because I was at the countryside, I couldn't get internet. I will post a poem again back on Saturday.  I would also like to thank my good friend @unknownpoems_ for helping me write the poem inspired by the 1950's & 1960's. 

I hope you guys like the poem, if you do then please don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT! :)


You held my hand in yours,

My heart was for you to cherish,

I gave it to you because I had trust in you,

My darling, you broke the rules,

Permission of a father, you did not get,

It wasn't to your liking, asking for a girl's hand,

Already had her twisted around your little finger,

You played the game and lost,

Taste in men, she had,

Gentlemen she did love,

Courting she adored,

Like a princess, she preferred to be treated

And just like any princess she deserved better,

A gentleman that would hold her hand,

Warn her of a puddle and give her his coat,

Opening doors and asking her for a dance,

Not some "Apple Butter" talking hillbilly,

"Bundie" with ragged oily hair,

She didn't need multiple "Back Seat Bingo" games forced upon her or

Some "Closet Case",

She needed sweet "Ballads" and

Long romantic walks in the park,

Not someone 'Cruisin' for a Bruisin',

Was that to much to ask for? 

She wanted someone she could get "Cranked" about,

But also some one "Earthbound", not some "Goopy" ape,

What more can I say, she has good taste.


-Apple butter is like smooth talking or flattery.

-Bundie is a boy that needs a hair cut.

-A closet case is someone to be ashamed of.

-The cruisin one is someone looking for trouble.

-Cranked is to get excited about.

-Earthbound is reliable.

-Goopy is messy.

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Copyright 2016  @smokeupthe-moon.

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