S h e

15 4 4

Note: Thank you Soph, @FetchingPenumbra for being the first person to read the poem. You're an incredible friend and your support is amazing. Love you sistah :)

She just wants someone to love
She dreams of a prince who will
Put all things aside, she is the
Most important person above all

She sees him in the smoke, from
Her burned out cigarette, she sees
Him in dreams her mind create, she
Feels him on her skin, fingers as

Soft as silk, caressing her fine
Young body, worth one of a Goddess
She wants to feel special, like the
Only girl in the world. She knows

It's impossible, but she never stops
Envisioning it, every second, she
Wastes it daydreaming of the what
Will never come to be. But she keeps

Trapping herself in her bubble, proving
Dreams can come to reality, no matter
How long it might take them.

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