M y E v e r y t h i n g

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Note: This poem has been inspired by the amazing Michael Faudet, whose poetry I discovered through Twitter.

She was a cloud, untouched by the rain
She was the peace, before a storm, quiet
As a gentle whisper in the coming wind
My strength, a weakness that makes me

Shake beneath the skin, tremble hard
Beneath my ribs, a curse of damnation
From the devil, a gift from God, pure
And good, her skin is a frame that

Stands through a hurricane, unbroken
Left alone by unkind hands, violated not
By betraying minds, unchained souls, not
A demon, a creation of unholy evil from

Nightmares, leaving me shaken to the
Core, frozen over a looming darkness.

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Creativity *Poetry*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora