O n e- S i d e d L o v e

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You never loved me like
I loved you, if you did

don't believe it, not
From your messages

Your smiles, I keep waiting
For you to reply, so I
Write romantic poetry
About you on a daily

Basis to convince a
Part of me what I felt
Was real, thumping in
Your chest, shaking of

Hands, butterflies in
Your stomach, quivering
Lips, soft sighs. And
Clamping thighs. I felt

All of those things, as
Signs you were the one
"I love you" you said
But we were just friends

Those 4 words mean nothing
I've lied to myself, sinking
In a river of tears beneath my
Feet, when you spoke my heart

Skipped a beat. I try to forget
You're happy with someone else.
But the image of you in my brain
Won't stop appearing when I close

My eyes or daydream when my eyes
Are open, seeing you in front of
Me, taking my hands into yours, a
Perfect fit, you and I, this story

Will never be what it could become.

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