F a l l i b l e L e g e n d

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Note: This poem is inspired by the song Rock + Roll by Eden. I was introduced to this song and artist by my lovely Sophie @FetchingPenumbra. Love you sistah! :) Thank you for introducing me to Eden's music and also for writing this poem with me. 

I want to play guitar like Hendrix
I want to swing like Sinatra, wake
Up every single day feeling like a
Legend, never stop looking up to

Those before me, worship them the
Way I worship Gods on Mount Olympus
Gold, thick and warm running through
My veins, I'm invincible yet life can

Break me down pulling me under water
Till I can't breathe, I have never
Made myself shout like a hurricane
But I'll swim back up, I'm telling

You that now in case if you try to
Stand in my way, won't let myself
Go in circles, end up where I begun
Even if I could never rock like a

Rolling Stone.

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Copyright 2017 @smokeupthe-moon.

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