Words of Wisdom (An Important Rant)

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A/N: Hey Guys.

This rant was a conversation I had with FetchingPenumbra, Sophie. I needed to express my feelings and this is what came out. I'm here to spread positivity and I would like everybody here to do the same-whether you post it in the comments below-I don't mind what you do. Just please spread the message and keep lifting each other up. 

My Creativity...

It just comes out of nowhere-I suddenly get an idea and then I just write and pour my heart out. Sometimes I'll scrap a line or something and then try again-get a little frustrated and then sit there and think of something.

My Beliefs...

I write about what is true to me-whether it comes from an experience or from my belief. I still believe that there are men out there who are a gentleman. There is a good-maybe not perfect (Because  nobody's perfect).

You just need to look in the right place-at the right time.

We're in 2016-not all people change and become emotionless dolls walking upon this earth like zombies. I stand with my belief-it not for belief, then what are we?

We have faith, we have hope-but our minds need to be more open than that. If we didn't believe in anything-that would make us question life.

We often question our worth because people bring us down and make us feel like we're nothing.

But when you have 2 loving parents who teach you plenty good stuff and show you sooooooooo much love- you wanna puke, that's unconditional love. Family makes you strong, invincible even.

My Image...

I ain't that confident-that's because there are a lot of people around me who make me feel fat, incredibly insecure and lacking full potential. I'm shy and I'm quiet-in class, at College.

I can be a bit of a smart-ass, that's because I read a lot.

I like talking about things that matter to me-maths isn't that important to me and that pisses off my dad.

He says I should think about my future more, what I wanna do later on. He thinks I don't do nothing and just sit by my computer and be lazy-being productive is not laziness. That's dedication. Even if nothing comes out until you get a great idea.

That's patience, if you wait and find the perfect idea for a poem, a story, ANYTHING-that's just shows that you're not rushing it. You don't have to force yourself, your brain needs to shut down for a while so it can come back later-completely awake and ready for more.

I'm fierce, I'm an open book. Ask me anything and I'll answer it. I'm so honest, it gets me in trouble.

I laugh at the most inopportune time, I add comedy to anything because I can't be serious. Life is way 2 short for that.

I'm loud, because I get it from my family.

I like to swear but I've been teaching myself to hold it back. I've been really pushing that out of my mind since the summer holidays. I study Childcare and Health and Social Care at College and swearing is forbidden in class, we have to learn to stop ourselves because when we go out on Placement, we gonna work with children. 

We're supposed to be good role models for the young-lings around us. 


I have fire inside me-passion for writing, for life.

I jump at the things that excite me most, I wouldn't just go for the first thing in front of me-unless it's sweets. I mean ideas-if someone suggested doing-I don't know, maybe collaborating on a story or a poem-sure. If I believe in it.

If it's bright enough for me to love it, the light bulb isn't just there for some random reason.

It has a purpose.



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