S e xu a l i z e d

9 2 2

No woman or man deserves to be sexualized, not by anyone!
Please take care while reading this poem, the content contains
sensitive themes. Our society can be a cruel place, making
people think they can see others as an object of sexual desire.

If you ever experience and or witness this kind of behavior,
know that you can talk to someone about it. Hopefully to
stop this disgusting trope from repeating itself.

She was a dream
A provocative picture
Rouge lips, unbuttoned
White shirt, cleavage on

Show, mini skirt and heels
Looking like a model, a meal
His mouth watered at the sight
Of her looking so pretty, shame

For a young lady to be sexualized
He didn't want to hurt her, grab
Her, call her names, watch her
Tears fall, her body tense with

With fear, that's what she
Deserved, for looking like
A prostitute, only in his
View, times have changed

But his mind remained ever

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