B u t t e r f l y E f f e c t

13 3 4

My wings flutter
My eyes wide awake
My body feels ready
For the flight, they

Said I would never
Break the shell, I'm
A fragile bug, afraid
To get out, I stopped

Listening to them
Once my fear had
Turned to doubts
They were lies to

Feed the demons
In my head, trying
To pull me down
Before I could reach

The sky, the air is my
Friend, up here the
Clouds feel like a warm
Blanket of security, the

Sun blazes against my
Skin, not burning it but
Building my tolerance
Of getting scorched by

Anything other than
That, I'm not a green
Caterpillar anymore
But a majestic creature

Joining the world of
The living.

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