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"What if it fails?"

"Then it fails."

"You sound like you don't care."

"Well, say something more comforting then."

"Have you looked into this?"

"He probably did. I didn't."

"I wonder what happened though. They need to investigate that. It's creepy as fuck."


"You happy now?"


"Fine, don't answer then."

"I'm just thinking. Why is he doing this?"

"'Cause that's what he's supposed to do."

"Tch, should've done it in the first place."



"So, when's this taking place?"

"In a few weeks."

"And no ones knows?"

"I don't think they do."

"You're so mean."


"Seriously though. What if this doesn't go well?"

"Then everybody will be sad. Or mad. Ha. Except for me."


"You're the asshole. Making me doubt."

"Alright. Sorry."


"But damn. He's really gone."

"Stop bringing him up."

"Why are you so pissed?"

"'Cause...it makes me feel guilty."



"You know, she's probably hurting."

"I know. I had no choice. She'll get the good out of it."

"If it doesn't fail."



A/n: I just noticed that we hit 8K reads. OMG THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOO MUCH!!!! 

And more people are voting too~ xD


Please keep on voting and commenting cuz I appreciate them a lot. 

I'll be back soon ;)


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