30.Dream, Reality

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Jimin's POV

"Everyone knows the rule, right?" Bang PD folds his chubby hands. "Dating is not permitted. If I see you with anyone, there will be consequences."

Jungkook eyes me across from the table and I shift my gaze, landing on Taehyung who was beside him. His lips are pressed firm and Jungkook looks at him with concern. 

"Understood?" The CEO asks and we all nod. He smiles as he stands up, "Alrighty, you are dismissed."

The members stand up also and bow. We walk to our dorms and I plop onto my bunk. 

"What are you going to do, Jimin hyung?" Jungkook sits on my bed cross-legged. 

"What do you mean what is he going to do?" "Hoseok hyung asks as he sits on the worn out couch. 

"It's nothing," I answer quickly.

"Oh, Park Jiminnie," Namjoon hyung cocks his brows, taking a seat beside Hoseok hyung along with Jin hyung. "Do you have something you haven't told us?"

"It's nothing," I mutter again. 

Taehyung looks away, avoiding everyone's gazes and Jin hyung catches it, "Taehyung, you seem suspicious too." 

Taehyung's eyes widen, "Me?" He points a finger to his chest and shakes his head. "I'm not dating anyone."

Namjoon hyung sighs, "You guys, this is serious. If we want to debut and be successful, we need to focus." He looks at each and one of us. "Ok?" Hoseok nods in agreement and I nod too. I look at Jungkook who's staring off into space, lips curved into a smile. A pervy one. 

I place a hand on his shoulder, "What are you thinking about, Kookie?" 

He immediately snaps out of his daze and looks away. He licks his lips nervously, "Nothing." 

I grin, "Too bad we can't date. Kookie's only in middle school and probably has never held a girl's hand before."

He pouts and shakes off my hand, "I have. I've held a girl's hand before. Not just one, but multiple." The members "ooh" and Jungkook beams proudly. 

I shrug, "Well, not anymore." 

Jungkook shrinks back down, "I know. I wanted y/n-" I shoot him a glare and he stops. "I mean-"

"Don't worry Jungkook," Taehyung smirks. "You have me."

Jungkook's face flushes deep red and he chucks a pillow at him, "Ahh hyung!!!"

Jin hyung rolls his eyes, "Guy, enough with this gay shit."

Hobi hyung snickers, "Look who's saying."

We all stop and stare at Jin hyung, who's going red like a tomato. "Wha- I never-"

"Ok!" The leader cuts him off as he side glances at the oldest. "No one here is gay and that is that."

Jungkook nods like a cute bunny and Taehyung sends him a wink as he bites his bottom lip. I stifle a laugh when Jungkook looks away with disgust but Taehyung gives him a finger heart. 

"You guys," Namjoon hyung leans back in the couch. "Do you think we'll make it?"

Hoseok hyung strokes the front of his neck, "What do you mean?"

"Like you know-" he gestures his hands in the air. "Debut."

The small room goes silent and it's uncomfortable. We all know that this entertainment company is small and not well know, but each of us has strived to become idols and got chosen. 

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