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Yoongi's POV

What's her problem?

I pull myself up, scratching my head in frustration. Never in my life, has a girl ever talked to me this long. Not even my own mother. Why the heck did Taehyung invite her?

My stomach makes weird noises, as my brain sends signals for food. Aish, I should've eaten something earlier. I don't want to call her back again. It's embarrassing to ask a girl to do something for me. No. Not embarrassing. I feel downright humiliated and shameful. My stomach grumbles again. Ugh, should I ask? WTF, Min Yoongi? You're Min Yoongi, a genius, who doesn't need help.

"Siri, what time is it?"

"It's 6:16 pm, Min Yoongi cheonjae jjang jjang man boong boong."

Gosh, three more hours until he comes back. The room is uncomfortably quiet without Holly.

"Siri, play my 'Fav Playlist',"

Soft R&B music floods the empty atmosphere, lifting my mood a little. Music for healing. Music. When was the last time I played the piano? Because I don't have Holly, I can't go anywhere. I can't do anything. I'm helpless. I'm useless. I'm just a nuisance to everyone around me.

A sharp pain jabs my insides, begging to be filled up. Ugh, I can't hold it any longer. My hands find the cold metal stick and I get off the bed. Swift on my feet, I walk over and press my ear against the door.


Did she leave?

I stand there for a few seconds. No movements of feet or anything.

I fling open my door, my walking stick guiding me down the hallway and obstacles in front of me. It's a pain to get food. Usually, Holly would bring the food for me, but now, I'd have to feel the stuff in the fridge in order to figure out what was what. It takes me a long time. Especially when Taehyung's not here.

"Shit!" I curse when my hip bumps hard against the kitchen counter. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" OMG, it feels like I've been shot. I grab the side, rubbing it so it wouldn't bruise. I carefully walk around and with the help of my walking stick, it leads me to the fridge. My fingers find its way and wraps around the steel handle. The chilly air blows out, hitting my bare chest and arms. Ugh, what to eat? I feel along the sides, brushing against what felt like glass bottles.

"Are you going to have a beer for dinner?"

"Shit!" her sudden presence makes me trip, faceplanting in something that is in the fridge. It's fluffy. Wednesday Thursday Friday-

"OMG!" she helps me up too quickly, making me stumble backwards, putting all my weight on her. My arm is draped over her shoulder, her lanky arms around my torso. My. Naked. Torso.

"Get your arms off of me!" I push her away from me, but not too harsh. I hear an "oomph" but she holds onto me.

"You have cake on your face though,"

Cake? That sweet thing with cream on top is on my frickin' face?

Before I can wipe it off, she grabs my face and starts wiping it with a towel. I think.

"Yah! I can do that myself," I snatch the towel from her, scrubbing my face.


"What?!" my voice comes out in a snarl. I couldn't help it. I hate it when people touch me. Especially when I don't have a frickin' shirt on.

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