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Your POV

The brown eyes pierce through mine, sending chills through my frozen body. He looks mad. No. Furious. His head to toe black attire makes his face darker.

"Jimin, I can explain," Taehyung blocks his way with his whole body but Jimin shoulders him as he strides in quick frightening paces straight towards me.

I feel scared. His eyes scare me the most. He has never looked at me this way before. Taehyung watches us anxiously, unable to move.

"You lied to me," he grabs my shoulders, shaking me violently. His grip is way too strong that it forces my eyes to shut in pain.

"Jimin, calm down. Listen to-"

"No! You listen to me!" His grip tightens , making me wince and I struggle to get away. "I told you to stay away from guys and you said you would. But now, I see you walking with one. How do you explain that?!"

I see Taehyung lift his brows, waiting to see what I'm going to do.

I let out a stuttering breath and look up at him with confidence. I have to be bold. Don't look like you're hiding something, y/n. "We just t-talked," my voice wobbles a bit. "We're just friends. Like how you and I are."

His eyes flickers some kind of emotion but before I can read it, it disappears. He looks down to his side before slowly meeting my eyes. His gaze is mixed with hurt, disbelief, and jealousy. The look is so foreign on him, he doesn't seem like Jimin. This isn't my best friend. This side I haven't seen before made me wonder, 'Has he been always like this?'. Out of nowhere, tears starts to stream down my cheeks, a drop slipping into my mouth, tasting the saltiness. The tears sting my eyes and I quickly wipe them away, not wanting to seem weak. Why am I crying?

Jimin's eyes widen, his lips parting as he loosens his hands and slides down to my arms gently. "Y/n, I-I'm sorry-"

"Y-you never called me-" I shake my head, squinting my eyes so no more tears could fall. "You never-" I gulp down the knot in my throat. "You never treated me like this. Why- w-why are you-" I begin choking on my tears and my breath comes out ragged.

He pulls me into his chest and starts to rub my back, "I'm sorry."

Burying my face into his hoodie, I let it all out. I don't even care if I ruin my makeup. "I-I had no choice. I h-had to-"

"Shh," he whispers in a husky voice. The husky voice that soothed me in times like this.

There's a clearing of a throat behind us. I pull away first sniffling and Jimin turns around, still holding my arms.

"I, um," Taehyung scratches the back of his head, glancing at both of us awkwardly. "I'll just go ahead first. I'll leave you guys so you can..talk. See you later Jimin." He gives me a sympathetic smile and goes his way.

I watch him before he's out of my sight. I sniffle quietly which makes Jimin turn towards me. He carefully cups my face in his hands, as if I was water. Holding me so I can't slip away. I want to punch his chest, scream at the world and cry.

"Y/n," he breathes out, looking into my red-rimmed eyes as his lips form into a small smile. "Don't be afraid to tell me. I'll listen."

My eyes scan back and forth on his, as they seem to melt and soften like chocolate. Yes, this is him. This is the Jimin I know.



He lets go of me as I dig out my phone.

Manager: Y/n where ru? Ur 15 min late!

Oh shoot, I forgot about work.

Jimin raises his brows, "You ok?"

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