Chapter 17- I'm Sorry

Start from the beginning

"She wasn't just my sister. She was my best friend, and you basically gave her the knife. Do you know what she did? She tried taking my sleeping pills, and when that didn't work she tried slitting her wrists, and when that didn't work, she slit her own throat. Her death killed me and you didn't even seem to care!" Kyle shouted angrily, I shake my head and cry harder.

"I did care-"

"That's bullshit and you know it. You want to see pain? You want to feel pain? Then why don't we go to later that night while you were partying and she killed herself. You wanna see what that did to me?" It was as if Kyle was the one who took us back that night.

Abby was crying in her room and writing down in her journal. There was a knock on her door. "Abby. Please let me in. You can talk to me." Kyle shouted on the other side of her door, she shook her head and cried harder.

"Go away Kyle, I'm fine!" She shouted back, he sighed. "Okay, well whatever it is I want you to know that I love you. And I'm here to talk whenever you need." He walked away with a sad expression on his face. That was when Abby started swallowing the pills.

She wrote a note that said 'Kyle' on it and taped it to her journal. She got up and laid on the bed for a time lapse that felt like hours. That's when she decided to get up and go into her bathroom. She took the blades out of her razor.

"STOP! I don't wanna see this!" I shout, Abby chuckles and snaps her fingers to after her death. Kyle was knocking on the door but she didn't answer.

"Abby I'm coming in." Kyle knocked down the door and saw her body on the floor covered in a pool of blood. "Abby? Abby wake up! Please you can't leave me! MOM CALL 911!"
"Oh my god. Gray did you hear about Abby?" Nick asks with a look of concern as I take a sip of beer, I shake my head. "No. What about her?"

"She died." I spit out my beer and looked at him with my eyes wide. "What?!"

"The school just sent out an email. It says she killed herself. The funeral service is on Monday. That's crazy, you were just talking to her. Did she seem upset to you?" Nick looks at me with concern. Tears start welling up in my eyes.

"I have to go." I ran out the door and found myself running to the park where we met at sports camp last summer. All of a sudden so many memories of her popped into my head. I was such a jerk to her. Why couldn't I have just sat there and told her everything was going to be okay?

I didn't show up to the funeral because I didn't have the heart to. I knew her death was my fault and I hated myself for it.

"Awe are you crying? Good. I want you to suffer the emotional pain Kyle had to go through. Why don't I read you my journal entries." Abby snapped her fingers and her journal appeared in her hands.

"July 4th 2015. Dear diary, today was such a great day. I met an awesome boy at camp and we really hit it off. He even kissed me! I hope everything goes well. August 8th 2016. Dear diary, today is my one year anniversary with my boyfriend. We are going to go to the carnival in town tonight. I have a feeling this will be a great night. September 12th 2016. Dear diary, I think tonight is the night. Things have been going wonderful with him and I, and I feel like we are going to be able to take the next step with our relationship. I'm gonna tell him I love him. Wish me luck... Kyle why don't you read the rest?" Abby shoved the book in Kyle's face, he shook his head and started crying.

"October 12th 2016. He has been acting strange ever since we had sex at the party last month. I have a feeling he's hiding something. I hope that's not the case. November 14th 2016. Tried talking to him today but he ignored me. I think we're breaking up and that is causing my stomach to feel funny. November 20th 2016. Dear diary, going to the doctors today. I think I have the stomach flu. Ugh I feel nauseous. Wish me luck. November 20th 2016. Just got back from the doctor. She told me that it wasn't the stomach flu, but it was morning sickness. Yup, you guessed it. I'm pregnant. I have to find a way to get in touch with him. I tried calling him but it went to voicemail. I'll approach him tomorrow. I need to tell him before we go on thanksgiving break." Kyle's voice started to crack as more tears fell down his face.

Abby walked over to me and shoved the book in my face. "Read the last entry. It's especially for you."

I looked down at the book and started reading. "November 21st 2016. Dear diary, I approached him today. He hates me. I don't understand what I ever did to make him resent me. He said he didn't want the baby, and he didn't love me. Why must the world be so cruel? I loved him with everything I had and he basically told me to throw it all away. Well this one is for you. I hate you. There is nothing you could do to even change my mind. Kyle, I'm leaving this for you to find because I want you to know that what I did was not your fault. I can't go on knowing that mom and my boyfriend resent me for being pregnant. I'm sorry for leaving you, but you need to believe me when I say that I've had the best time on earth with you as my brother. You're my best friend, and I will always feel that way forever. I love you brother. Goodbye forever. Abby." By the end, my voice was cracking as well. I did this.

"You're the reason she's dead! I spent all this time hating myself and thinking it was me but once I found her diary I promised that I would do whatever it took to get justice." Kyle spat angrily, Abby smirked because I couldn't even look at him.

"You still can Ky." Abby replied, he looked up at her curiously. "Join me and the others in getting revenge on those who wronged us." Kyle looked like he was going to take the offer. I have to stop him.

"Kyle don't do it. It's a trick." Kyle looked at me and smirked. "If it means I can kill him myself, I'm in."

Abby smiled and unchained him. He gave her a hug and then turned to glare at me. He took an intimidating step forward. "If you think that shooting you with that bow and arrow I found back at the campground hurt, well that's nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to you." He punched me straight in the face, I could feel my nose bleeding.

"Do you think it was easy for me to cope with her death? She was my twin sister, we were never apart from each other. And finding her in that pool of blood was scarring for me. I wanted more than anything for her to open her eyes and for me to hear her voice again but I couldn't. You didn't even have the guts to show up to the funeral!" He punched me again followed by kicks to the ribs. It got to a point where I was coughing up blood. I could feel myself changing into werewolf form, I couldn't stop it.

"I wanted to die but I couldn't do that to our mother again. She was in enough pain. First it was our father and then it was Abby. My mother resorted to alcohol and I was there every night to help her clean up. You destroyed my family!" He kicked me again, this time I felt a rib crack. I knew I would heal soon but this hurt more than anything.

"Finish him off Ky." Abby handed him a silver dagger, I shook my head. "Kyle...please." I could barely talk, he smirked at my weakness.

"You have caused such a toll on my body. All of this has only made me stronger and it made me realize my purpose here so thank you. But I only have one thing left to say, goodbye." As he raised the dagger I closed my eyes.

When I didn't feel it plunging through my heart I opened my eyes. Kyle had stabbed Abby. She was bleeding from the mouth. "H-How could you?" She mumbled, Kyle sighed.

"Because you're not Abby. Whatever you are, I banish you." He twisted the knife into her heart. She screamed and disappeared. Kyle ran to unchain me but I stopped him. "Stop. I'm changing. I could kill you." He shook his head.

"By changing you'll be able to heal. And you won't attack me because we are linked remember? That fire star thing we made back when our future selves came back was to bind us all. If one of us dies, we all feel the pain."

"How did you know it wasn't her?" I question, he sighs. "Abby never called me Ky for starters. Also I remembered that your future self said that I joined the dark side and I realized that this was that ticket so I made up the part about her slitting her throat. She bled out by slitting her wrists, that's how I know that whatever that thing was, it wasn't Abby. I'm sorry I beat you up, I had to make it believable."

I took a deep breath as my wounds fully healed. "It's okay, I understand. I really am sorry about what happened to her."

"I know. Let's get going, we need to find the others." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. We managed to get out of the room we were locked in and started running.

If it's a fight they want. It's a fight they'll get.

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