What. The. Fuck.

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I feel so bad. I left Natsu all by herself because Kakashi had picked my up to go with his team to the hot springs. And Gai left early saying something about watching his youthful princess behind the bushes. I don't know what goes through his mind.

So right now I'm with Sakura in the girls springs. She's pretty cool except that shes a huge fan-girl girl over my man slave. Yes thats right. Fan girl over Sebastian (Sasuke, If you don'[t get it. -_-')

"So." Sakura giggled, her face turning pink. Hm These hot springs must be very hot for her. "How long have you known Sasuke?" She smiled.

"Um. I dunno. Maybe a week." I relaxed, closing my eyes.

"Really!!! DON'T YOU THINK HE IS LIKE SOOOO AWESOME!?!?!?!" She nearly screamed in my ear. Damn, bitch got some lungs.

"Hn." She gets kinda of annoying,

"What do you mean, 'Hn?" She mimicked." He is totally superfantabulus!!" She coed, turning pink.

".....Hn....." She won't shut up.

"I mean come on! He's so cool!!!!" She did the one thing everybody recognizes(Sp?) her for. Her fan-girl scream.

"...Hn?...." I'm not really paying attention but I can still hear her fucking voice!!!

"I BET HIS BODY IS LIKE A GOD!!!!" She squealed. 



I am seriously gonna get my towel and strangle her with it if she doesn't shut her pie-hole. I'm gonna strangle her then leave her body to rot. Let my pet Unicorn come and eat her left over organs and Laugh. >:D


"I'm so glad I'm home." I sighed to myself as I set my stuff down. I hope Natsu's okay, she was alone all day.

"Natsu-" I looked in our room to find her their making out with a dog-boy.




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