Teaser! Mostly the other half didn't save :D

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"Mm. Smells so good." I inhaled, barely waking up. I moved my hand upwards feeling this pillow.

"Like what your feeling?" Sasuke's voice, fully waking me up. I looked up to see Sasuke, his arms wrapped around my waist. My hands on his chest, this is an awkward position...

"I was still sleeping! Even if I was feeling on you, which was on accident; you were the one who was watching me sleep! So your the pervert here!" I puffed my cheeks out.

"Really? Okay. If my master says so." He pulled my closer to him and put his face in my hair. "Mm. Smells good." He said smirking at me, repeating my words.

"Looks like somebody needs a punishment." I said seductively, putting my hands on his chest. And it was working, he shivered.

"I. I um. I have." He choked on his words, not knowing what to say next. Heh. I'm awesome like that.

"Don't get excited. I have to go." I smirked as I walked out of his house, leaving him back in his room.

I had to go get some groceries. Natsu proably went to sleep without dinner. And I didn't go home last night! Natsu was probably worried and didn't get enough sleep! I'M A HORRORBLE SISTER!!

"Hm. Miso soup or Dumplings?" I asked myself, on wheather to bring Miso soup or Dumplins for dinner.

"I'd get the Miso Soup."

"I HAVE GUN!!!!" I yelled to the person behind me, while making my hand into a gun; pointing it to my stocker.

"Whats a gun?" I knew it was a stocker. It was Kakashi. Little fucker.

"Thats beyond the point! Why did you sneak up behind me!?" I half yelled-half whispered.

"I didn't. You just didn't notice me." He smirked at me.

"Yeah. Thats called sneaking up!" I waved my arms around trying to prove my point.

"Gonna get the Miso Soup?" He asked trying to change the conversation.

"Yeah. Bye!" I poofed away. I already learned how. I'm that awesome!

"Mm. I love roses." I told myself, while smelling the Red Roses in the Yamanka Flower Shop.

"They are nice."

"I'M A UNICORN!!" I yelled while putting my hands in the air, like I just got caught by the police. I looked at my observer.

"Unicorn, huh?" Kakashi smirked.

"Are you following me?" I asked emotionlessly. He looked a bit taken back by my question but quickly fixed is composure.

"What? No. You and me just happened to be in the same shop at the same time." He shrugged.

"In the same section of the store?" I asked not buying his lies, not one bit.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Hm. Whatever." I payed for my roses and left. I got some to appoligize to Natsu for coming home late and for the K.I.A. Stone. I need to show my respects to the people who died for this village.

"FOR ME!!?!?" Gai yelled in a really gay voice.

"No. For Natsu." And she groped me with a big smile on her face. (Hidden in the shadows15: YEAH, BITCHES!! XD)

"THANK YOU MY LOVE!!!" She grinned.

"I have to go. I'll be back in about an hour. Then I can make you dinner, that way it makes up for yesterday." I smiled to her.

"Alright. See you later Nii-chan!" She smiled.

"Bye, Natsu." I waved.

"Don't I get a goodbye!?!?" Gai yelled, being his tranny self.

"Not even close." I closed the door in his face. >:D Hehe. I'm awesome.

I placed the roses on the K.I.A..  I clapped my hands and silently




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