The Shit?

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I know its been like two months but I am a busy person. Okay not really but the internet stopped working and then I broke my phone so I couldn't upload for the first month. Then I got a new pohne and just read. Now I got a Nook so I'm back and ready to party ! Yea, Paginise!

"Heh. You totally kicked ass Sakura." I smirked as we walked back into Tazuna's house.

" He groped me, what was I supposed to do? " She plopped down on sofa.

" Hey, I ain't complaining. You were the shit. " I exclaimed to her as I propped my legs one her.

"The shit?" She asked.

"The shit." Tazuna laughed as we high-fived each other.

"Who took a shit?" Kakashi asked as him and the boys came in.

"Some hobo. He couldn't find the bathroom fast enough." I joked.

"Really? Where, I wanna see it!" Naruto exclaimed, looking from left to right with a big, goofy grin made its way onto his face.

"There's not actually shit." I smirked as the from turned into a confused gaze.

"Ehh? I wanted to pet the hobo." His gaze turned into a frown

"So then what's all this talk about crap?" Sasuke asked as he snaked his arm around me..

"No Sasuke, not crap, the shit. You see Sakura is the shit. She totally beat 'The shit' out of some guy." I smirked as Sakura blushed.

"I misjudged these girls they are pretty badass." Tazuna gave me a high five.

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