// epilogue //

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this manip gives me heart palpitations

here's the epilogue I promised. it's not too long, but I wanted to give you a glimpse of Harry & Alicia's future. I hope you like it

Also, although this story is coming to an end, another is starting/started. I have a new story called Lovelorn, and I'd really appreciate it if you check it out, I'm excited to continue it x


Harry and I lounged around in France for a few more weeks, lapping up as much sunshine as we could and allowing me to have as many croissants as I could get my hands on. We were actually able to go out in the day or evenings, strolling around the quiet towns hand-in-hand. We could visit tourist attractions, eat in those cute cafes, admire the handmade products in the little stores scattered all down the streets. We could go on dates. We could do things we never got the chance to do before, because we finally had our freedom.

We eventually decided we better head back to England, and Harry surprised me when he announced that we were going to see his family. Since he wasn't working for Owen anymore, he didn't have to stay off the grid and could actually have a relationship with his family again, which I know is one of the things he wanted the most in the world. On the plane ride back, he looked just as nervous as me, but I assured him that it'd all be ok, and for once, we both knew it was true.

From the second we stepped into his house, his family made it feel like it was my home just as much as theirs. His mother is a kind and funny woman who I still think is far too good for this world, and his sister is quirky and beautiful. They took me in as if I was one of their own, making a huge fuss of me, and I honestly can't think of a time I've been happier. Harry looked it too, finally seeming completely at peace for the first time in forever.

The pregnancy was hard and a little rough at times, but Harry was by my side for every single second of it. When I was puking up from morning sickness, he'd be right beside me to hold my hair and comfort me afterwards. When I had cravings, he'd practically run to the store to get me whatever I wanted. When I was cranky and didn't want anyone near me, he'd give me space. When I couldn't sleep at night, he'd pull me into his arms like he has done many times before, stroking my hair and whispering soothing words until I drifted off.

Labour was absolutely horrific and unlike any pain I'd ever experienced before, and although Harry was pale as a ghost and looked like he was going to faint, he remained by my side throughout the whole thing, holding onto my hand so tight I was scared he might crush it.

But it was all worth it in the end, because at exactly 12:47am, I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy. We bickered a little on names, much to the amusement of Harry's family, and Zayn and Liam, who also came to visit us in the hospital. However, we eventually settled on the name Elijah Carl Styles, which would be Eli for short, and to also commemorate Carl, who we will never be able to repay for saving my life, but wish we could everyday.

Harry and I both immediately fell utterly in love with Eli, and still do to this day. Having a newborn baby was stressful, of course, and we struggled like all partners do, but it really made our relationship so much stronger and solidified our love even more.

As expected, Harry was the most hands on, loving father I could've ever asked for, and for the first few weeks especially, he wouldn't leave Eli alone. He'd constantly have him cradled in his arms, whether he was watching TV, or doing my favourite thing, which was sitting in the chair in his room and singing him softly to sleep.

We got married in the early months of spring, in a beautiful church only a few minutes away from my childhood home, the same church my parents were married in. It was a small but perfect ceremony, and very emotional, especially for me. I wore the most gorgeous white gown and felt like a princess the whole time, and Harry was teary-eyed as he watched me walk down the aisle towards him.

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