sixty // home is where you are

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Alicia and I walk across the runway, ready to board yet another plane and jet off to another country, although this time, it's different. This time, we walk hand in hand, my grip tight, because now she's been taken from me too many times, and I'm not going to let it happen again.

I can't even describe what it feels like to have her by my side again, knowing it's her hand I have grasped in mine after so long. The amount of relief I felt wash over me once I found out Alicia didn't write that letter and that Owen blackmailed her into leaving me was unlike anything I have ever felt before. It almost knocked me off my feet. As soon as I found out, all I wanted to do was just run back to her, but of course, we had some things to do first.

Like I told Alicia, Liam and I threatened the guys in the house to tell us everything they knew and one eventually came forward. He told us about how Owen blackmailed Alicia into pretending that she played me the whole time and acted like she knew more than she did, and if she didn't oblige to his orders, then he'd kill my family. I was extremely surprised when I heard this, not understanding why the hell Alicia would do all of this just to save my family, who she's not heard much about and never met, but Liam told me it was because she loved me. Then he called me an idiot for not figuring that out already.

I quickly sorted everything out to guarantee my family's safety and then I went back to help Liam find out where Alicia was. Liam tracked down the pilot and got him to confess that he flew them to the Dominican Republic, so the only thing to do after that was find out where they were staying. That was pretty easy because Liam remembered a villa that Owen bought in the country, so he tracked that down and then almost immediately after, we both jumped on a plane out here.

Just like when we broke into Alicia's house, Liam managed to disable all the security and the cameras on the house, which is how I got in and out so quickly. I was almost attacked by that Andre guy who was outside Alicia's room, but he immediately recognised me and told me he had done what I needed in order for my plan to be successful. It felt a bit weird knowing that I was staging a kidnapping of Alicia when I have already kidnapped her before, but I've always appreciated irony.

Once I had knocked Andre out as painlessly as I could manage, because I heard he'd been the only one who treated Alicia well, I moved onto her room. So many emotions were running through me as soon as I saw her, and I certainly didn't expect our reunion to start with her kneeing me in the crotch, but I guess I wouldn't have it any other way. The fact that she was clinging to me desperately made me feel extremely happy, because clearly she needs me as much as I need her.

That's all I can think about now as we walk hand in hand towards the plane: her. She's been the only thing I can think about since the very first day I laid my eyes on her, the only person I have room in my mind to think about.

Every baby that's born into this world is destined to seek love, and that destiny makes love the default setting, the most basic algorithm of the human mind. I spent my whole life thinking that I was faulty, that I had a glitch somewhere in my genes, because I never saw myself as the type of the person who was put on this earth to find love. I could never see myself falling for someone or wanting to spend my life with them, but now, I think I've finally found that person.

Alicia is that person. She's my person.

Once we're on the plane, I quickly go and speak to the pilot to make sure everything's ok, returning to the cabin to find Alicia already curled up on one of the chairs, her eyes closed. I slowly walk over to her, a soft smile pulling at my lips as I look down at her.

My hand reaches out to gently brush some hair out of Alicia's face, causing her eyes to flutter open and she peers up at me curiously. "You tired?" I ask softly and she nods.

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