fifty one // run

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"Don't you think it's weird?" I ask Harry softly, smiling to myself as I watch him fiddling with our clasped hands. Our bodies are both curled up together, our hot, bare skin pressed against each other as we both lay between the rumpled bed sheets.

"What is?" he replies, his voice gentle and slightly raspy as it's morning.

"That we've been through so much yet we still don't know that much about each other."

Harry lets out a small chuckle. "Well, what stuff do you think we should know?"

I shrug. "I don't know. Normal stuff. The basics."

"The basics, hmm?" he asks in amusement and I nod. "You mean all that boring stuff, like what's our favourite colour and our best subject at school?"

I turn my head to look at him, a small smile on my face. "See? We don't even know that stuff about each other."

"Yes we do," he protests and I furrow my eyebrows. "At college you took film, business, biology and english literature. I know you like film because whenever we watch a movie you turn into some annoying film critic. Your dad wanted you to pick business, you think biology is interesting. You only took english because you didn't know what else to pick, but I have a feeling you like it, because you got through a lot of those books in that house in France, and you kept talking to me about them."

My eyes widen slightly, surprised that he knows all of that about me or was even listening when I told him. "How do you remember all that? I told you that ages ago."

"I remember everything you tell me."

I smile at him again, my heart warming at his words. It still amazes me that we've learnt so much about each other and are now able to pick up on so many of each other's mannerisms so easily, knowing what mood each of us are in just by the way we act, especially when you consider how little we've actually known each other. It's a little scary to completely let all of your walls down and give someone the power to see what you've been hiding behind them for so long, but with Harry, it just feels so right. It feels like he was always the person who was supposed to come along and knock them down, and I couldn't be more happy that he did.

"Ok, so.......what's your favourite subject?"

"Shouldn't you already know that, seeing as I know yours?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

I roll my eyes. "Fine. Yours is probably maths or something."

"And why's that?"

"Because at first you think it's easy and simple, and then the next minute it's all confusing again."

Harry's lips arch into an amused smile. "I'm guessing we're not talking about maths anymore?" he asks and I shrug, making him laugh. "And yeah, you're probably right. I was good at maths."

"You're weird. Maths is hell on earth," I say with a grimace. "Like who gives a fuck about triangles and the value of x?"

"At least I don't like English, which is probably the most boring and useless subject," Harry says and I raise my eyebrows.

"How is it useless?"

"Everybody always knows how to read and write by the time they're like, what, six years old? What else do you need?"

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