fifty eight // billion dollar baby

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love me a bit of lirry tbh


"How's our auction going?" Eric asks, his loud voice snapping me out of the momentary slumber I had fallen into.

I let out a small yawn, reaching up to rub my eyes as I pull myself up into a sitting position. I realise now that falling asleep on the couch wasn't a good idea because it turns out Italian leather isn't exactly the comfiest, which I know now from the ache in my back.

"It's getting there," Scott, the guy who seems to be running the auction, replies from behind the screen. "About 63 bidders now, and counting."

"Well, well, well," Eric says, glancing over at me. "Aren't you just little miss popular?"

I jump slightly when he sits on the couch beside me again, making me grimace when he suddenly grips hold of my face, angling it towards him. I'm tempted to spit into his face just so he'll let go, but I decide that probably wouldn't be the best idea.

"We're gonna have to spruce you up before we send you off," he says as he peers at my face. "Look at those bags under your eyes. No one's going to pay millions of dollars for those."

I narrow my eyes, managing to shove him off me with a disgusted look, but he just laughs.

"How much are we on anyway?" Eric asks, glancing over at the computers.

"Just hit 300 million."

I feel my own eyebrows raise along with Eric's, both of us clearly surprised at the high number. Not to sound conceited, but I knew I would sell for at least a couple million seeing as these people have been on the hunt for me for months, so I must be worth something. But I never expected it to get into the hundreds of millions. How the hell am I, and that tiny little microchip, worth that much? It doesn't make any sense to me.

"I think we can do better than that, don't you?" Eric says, standing up from the couch and leaning over to peer at one of the monitors, watching as all the numbers constantly change on the screen. "I reckon we could stretch to 500 million."

Scott nods in agreement. "Yeah, definitely. These bidders have money."

Eric smiles again, his eyes practically dancing with excitement. "Well, it's going to be a good payday for us then," he chuckles, reaching down to grab his phone that just started to ring in his pocket, excusing himself from the room while he answers it.

The other guys turn back to their computers, too entranced with all the magical numbers and bids, not seeming to understand that the actual person they're selling is sat right behind them. Although on second thought, they probably just don't care.

I decide I can't stand being in this room anymore and I pull myself up off the couch, heading over to Andre standing at the opposite end of the room. He immediately raises his gaze to look at me when he notices me approaching, giving me a small smile.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I tell him. Normally I would feel embarrassed for just announcing that to everyone, but I don't care anymore, and I doubt Andre does either. Besides, I'm not allowed to leave the room without him coming with me.

Andre just nods, pulling himself away from the wall and leading me through the hallway to one of the many bathrooms. He reaches out to open the door for me and I dodge past him, quickly closing it behind me. Once it's shut, I press my body against it and lean my head back, letting out deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself down.

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