twenty five // feelings show

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"All you have to do is never ever let go, my feelings show"


My years of intense training and my overwhelming instinct to protect Alicia rush through my body at once, and before the surprised gasp can even leave her lips, I dive out of the elevator and my body slams into the stranger stood in front of us, knocking him straight onto the floor.

I land on top of him with a loud thud, my hand immediately reaching out to grab his arm which is gripping the gun. The man underneath me tries to throw me off, but I'm able to keep him down long enough to slam my hand into his arm with enough force that the gun drops from his grasp. I reach out far enough so my fingers brush against the weapon, managing to push it further down the corridor so he can't grab it again.

Once I've disarmed him, I pull my fist back and let it painfully fly into his jaw, satisfied with the heavy crunch that follows. A burning sensation travels up my arm as my fist swings again and again, the anger flowing through me enough to overpower the stinging pain. My head suddenly jerks backwards when I feel a harsh punch connect with my jaw, the impact busting my lip and causing a small line of blood to trickle down my chin.

My unexpected injury manages to momentarily distract me, giving the man beneath me the opportunity to throw my body off of his, sending me crashing down onto the ground. He pulls himself back onto his feet and begins to walk towards Alicia who is still stood in the elevator, looking like she's frozen with shock. A grunt of pain leaves my lips as I reach out and grab the man's legs, roughly tugging him back so he falls down onto the floor, my fist colliding with his face once again.

His eyes bulge out of his skull as I land another blow to his face, causing his head to snap to the side. He spits out a mouthful of blood as he groans in pain, his eyes flickering over to where Alicia is stood, like it's still his goal to somehow get to her, which only angers me even more.

"Pretty little thing, isn't she?" the man spits out along with some more blood, his lips arching into a derisive smirk, making my stomach churn. "I never knew. Bet you're happy you get to look after her."

"Don't fucking look at her!" I growl, landing another punch into his jaw so his head snaps to the side once again.

"You r-really think no one is going to get their hands on her?" the man beneath me chuckles darkly and I clench my jaw, narrowing my eyes. "Someone will soon, maybe it should be me. In more ways than one....."

Something inside me seems to completely snap at his words and burning hot anger surges through my veins, blocking out any other emotion a human can feel. Suddenly, all I see is red, my fists uncontrollably flying through the air and slamming into his face or any other part of his body that I can reach.

Images of this man's disgusting hands trailing over Alicia's body flash through my mind, him shoving her against the elevator wall and his lips roughly pressing against her skin while she tries to push him off. My stomach lurches and my fists continue to wildly collide with the man's face beneath me, rage running through every vein and overwhelming all my other senses so that I forget where I am for a few minutes.

"Harry? Harry! Stop!"

Alicia's voice finally brings me back to reality and I feel her hand clamping down on my shoulder, pulling me back. I blink, my breaths coming out in ragged gasps as I look down to realise the man beneath me is now unconscious.

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