ten // the eyes are the window to the soul

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"Get off me! You're hurting me! Again!" Alicia's shrill voice complains as I drag her back into the house by her arm, my grip probably harder than it should be but I know she'll try and escape again if it isn't, and I'm becoming quite fed up of her thinking she can just run off from us like it's so easy.

Carl is bloody useless seeing as she's been able to almost get away every time she's been under his watch, so I've decided I'm the only in charge now. Of course I always was, but now they both know it. So, seeing as I've clearly identified my new role to everyone, I'm also changing a few things about what's been happening.

Owen told us to hold off asking her any questions about what she knows as he's very much convinced she knows a lot but won't tell us anything, that we need to ease her into it, however I'm not too sure. I'm going to find out if she actually knows anything and if she's any use to us, and if she's not then I don't see the point of hanging onto her any longer.

When Alicia begs for me to let her go again, I release my grip on her arm and push her down onto the couch so forcefully that she almost bounces back off again. I perch on the edge of the coffee table right in front of the couch, staring back at her fearful expression with my own serious one.

"Uh, Harry, what are you doing?" Carl asks curiously as he joins us in the living room, leaning against the doorway and crossing his arms across his chest.

"We're going to have a little chat with Alicia here." I tell him and as soon as he opens his mouth to reply, I already know what he's going to say.

"But Owen said-"

"I don't give a fuck about what Owen said." I snap back before he's even finished his sentence and he instantly shuts up. "I'm fed up of this bullshit. We find out what she knows and what she's useful for," I bring my gaze back down to Alicia, arching a brow at her. "or if she's even any use at all."

"What are you two even talking about?" Alicia speaks up, her fearful eyes flitting between the both of us. "What's actually going on?"

"Well," I begin with a sigh. "According to my boss, you apparently already know the answer to that."

"I don't." She replies with those wide bambi eyes I've noticed she has when she's scared, and I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes. "I have absolutely no idea why I'm here. Or who you are."

I let out a small, frustrated sigh. "Look, if you just tell us what you know right now, all of this will be over a lot quicker."

"But that's the point." Alicia says. "I don't know anything, and you're acting like I'm behind some huge mastermind plot."

"Well, are you?

"No!" She exclaims, momentarily glancing over at Carl as he takes a seat on the arm of the couch, before turning back to me. "I've tried to think of every possible reason as to why I could be here, and I can't think of anything. At all. Honestly."

"Why don't you start with what you do know?" Carl interrupts and I scoff at him."Like what you know about everything that's happened so far. Or when you think this all started."

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