eighty one // highest bidder

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I pace up and down the room, the sound of my heels clicking against the floor as I go. The repetitious noise is kind of driving me crazy, but I can't seem to stop. I don't know what else to do. I'm panicking, my heart racing rapidly inside my chest, thumping so hard against my ribcage that it starts to hurt, and a wave of heat floods my body, sweat prickling on my skin. I feel nauseous too, but at least now I know the reason for that.

I always had my suspicions, I guess. I remember I used to feel sick right from where this all started, but that was mostly from a mix of worry and fear. But the other nausea felt different, and from what I've heard before, I had an idea of what it was already. I didn't want to believe it though. Harry and I hadn't discussed having children that much, and it wasn't until only a few weeks ago that he ever showed any interest in getting married and starting a family with me. But I know one thing: this certainly wasn't the way it was supposed to happen.

I stop pacing when I hear the conversation outside pick up again, spinning on my heel and storming back over to the door. As soon as Dan dropped the huge bombshell on everyone, it was only a matter of seconds before two of Owen's men grabbed me by each arm and wrestled me into the nearest bedroom, locking the door.

I tried to eavesdrop on what they were saying but I couldn't hear, but now they're talking a bit louder. I push my body up to the door and press my ear hard against it, straining to try and listen to their conversation.

"What are we supposed to do then, Owen?" I hear Dan say and I grit my teeth at the sound of his voice. If he just kept his stupid mouth shut, none of this would be happening.

"Like any problem," Owen says, sounding a lot calmer, but then again, he always does. He's cruel and sadistic and he simply doesn't care. "We deal with it."

"How are we supposed to deal with it? There's only a few hours until the auction."

"You don't need to worry, Dan," Owen's voice says in what I think is supposed to be a soothing voice, although he's about as soothing as a grenade.

No one says anything after that but I hear slight movement, and before I know it, the door I'm leaning against is pulled open, almost sending me toppling down to the floor. I manage to balance myself on my heels, clearing my throat as I'm faced with the same two men that shoved me in here, but before I can say anything they're grabbing my arms and hauling me back out again. They steer me over to face Owen, who hasn't moved from where he's sat.

He reaches up to adjust his tie a little as he looks at me, scanning me up and down before bringing his gaze back to mine. "Now, Alicia," he says. "As you can imagine, we're all rather surprised by this.....news. It would be a understatement to say we never expected this."

"You expected your workers to keep it in their pants, that's why," Dan comments  from in the corner, causing me to send a glare his way.

"Harry Styles," Owen says, pronouncing his name with a hint of disgust and shame. "does not work for me anymore, as he has proven by his countless betrayal."

"He didn't betray you," I hear myself saying. "You told him to protect me, that's what he did."

"Yes, but then I ordered him to bring you back to me and he didn't listen. Wanted to keep you all to himself, like the selfish man he is."

"That's because-"

"Alicia, please," Owen cuts me off, holding one hand up to signal he doesn't want me to talk anymore. "That's not the current matter I want to discuss anyway. Not right now," he says, casting an unimpressed look at my stomach before back to me. "How far along are you, would you say?"

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