fifty // care

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Once I get back into the hotel room, I throw my clothes and towel onto the bed along with the room key. A deep breath pushes past my lips as I begin to pace the room, raking a hand through my hair as I try to think straight. About a hundred different emotions are flooding through me right now, all of them battling for my attention and it's beginning to drive me crazy because I can't seem to focus on one alone.

One minute I feel angry, wanting to scream and yell until I can't anymore, but the next minute I just feel so upset and all I want is to just curl up in a ball and cry and cry until my tears run out. Everything that's happened in my life over the past few months has been crazy, obviously, but these past few weeks have been so overwhelming. After all I've been through recently, I've had to just pick myself up and keep on going, keep running, without even getting the chance to register what's being going on, which is probably the reason why everything seems to be hitting me all at once now.

I continue trying to calm myself down as I head into the bathroom, flicking on the light switch. I decide to just take a shower as I have nothing better to do, and the strong scent of chlorine is already lingering in my hair, which I absolutely hate.

I reach into the shower and turn it on, letting it warm up while I pull off the remaining clothes I'm wearing, which doesn't take long as I'm only in my underwear thanks to Harry's decision to rendez-vous down at the pool. Once I'm in the shower, I close my eyes as the warm water runs down my skin, more deep breaths falling from my lips in an attempt to keep myself calm and relaxed. The last thing I want to do right now is have a complete breakdown, which I feel I'm on the verge on having.

Trying to keep my mind off everything else, I grab a bottle of shampoo from the side of the shower, scoffing slightly at the size of it. I swear hotel shampoo and conditioner bottles don't contain enough product to fully clean a my leg hair when I let it grow a bit too much, let alone all the hair on my head. I decide to get over it, squirting some shampoo onto my head, running it through my hair and then washing it out, repeating the steps with conditioner.

Once I'm done showering, I reach up to turn the water off and step out into the bathroom, grabbing one of the white fluffy towels from the cabinet and wrapping it around my body, tucking it in at the front. When I walk back into the hotel room, I hear a faint knocking on the door, slow, regular thumps which sound like a knuckle against the wood, and I know exactly who it is.

With a tired sigh, I head over to the hotel door, reaching out for the handle. I wait a few seconds before I turn it, a sudden wave of fear rushing over me, but I know if it was anyone else but Harry, they would have kicked the door down by now.

I open the door and pull it open, surprised when I find Harry sat on the floor of the hallway, his back leaning against the wall next to the door, his hand stretched out slightly so he could knock on it. His green eyes flash upwards to meet mine and I raise my eyebrows.

"How long have you been sat there?" I ask him. I notice that he's wearing his clothes now, although I'm not surprised because I'm sure he wouldn't be caught dead walking through the hotel in his underwear, like I did

"About 10 minutes," he tells me, pulling himself up off the floor. He arches an eyebrow at me as I stand in the doorway. "Nice shower?"

"It was, actually, thanks for asking," I say, spinning around and walking back into the room. I reach out for the door to slam it behind me, but of course, Harry catches hold of it, letting out a small chuckle.

"God, I love it when you're pissed off with me," he says, closing the door behind him and I turn around to face him with a scowl.

"Oh really?"

asset [h.s.]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ