sixty eight // trainwreck

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I stay sat on the floor with Alicia for what feels like hours, letting her cry into my shirt until the fabric is practically soaked. I try my best to comfort and calm her down, running my fingers through her hair and softly shushing her, but nothing seems to work. She cries as if the pure ferocity of it will bring her father back, like it will somehow undo the tragedy she just witnessed at her own feet.

The world turns to a complete blur, as do all the sounds, the taste, the smell. Everything is just gone. I can't even feel the pain from my arm anymore, which was once ripping through me, but is now overridden by something much heavier. So many different feelings are rumbling through my body, but I'm sure they're no match at all to what Alicia is going through.

I can feel her chin trembling against my chest as she sobs uncontrollably, her hands clawing at my shirt every so often just so she has something to grasp onto. Her breathing is fast and erratic, her body gasping for air that isn't there. As I hold her trembling body close to mine, I can't help but think about how utterly helpless I feel. It's as if every sound that escapes her mouth was intended to shatter my heart to pieces again and again, harshly reminding me that there's nothing I can do.

The girl I love more than anything has just lost her father, and I can't do anything to make it better.

I don't know how much time passes of the two of us sat wrapped up on the cold, bloody floor, but the feeling of a hand suddenly landing on my shoulder snaps me back to reality. I lift my head from where it was resting against Alicia's, raising my gaze up to find Liam stood above me, a mournful expression on his face.

"What?" I ask him, and even I notice how thick and emotional my voice now sounds.

He doesn't reply for a while, casting his eyes down to Alicia whose face is still buried in my chest. She continues to sob, but they're much quieter now, almost like she's worn herself out from crying so much.

Liam eventually meets my gaze again and he takes a deep breath, looking quite regretful. "I hate to say this, but we're going to have to move......the body soon."

I clench my jaw, his words already flaring up a feeling of anger inside me. "Liam," I snap at him in a warning tone, glancing down at Alicia so he understands the silent message I'm trying to convey.

"I know," he replies quietly. "But we can't just leave him laying there-"


"He's right."

Both Liam and I glance down at Alicia, the sudden sound of her voice shocking the both of us. She surprises me even more when she abruptly pulls away from my chest, revealing her face for the first time and I instantly feel my heart drop. Her eyes are red and puffy, her skin is flushed and soaked with the tears that are still silently rolling down her cheeks. But what scares me the most is her eyes. Those beautiful, dark brown eyes that I adore so much, are now full of so much pain and grief that it makes it hard not to look away.

"What do you mean?" I ask her softly, gently sliding my hands down her arms.

"I m-mean, he's right," she says, trying to control the shakiness of her voice, but it doesn't really work. She suddenly pulls herself up into her feet, leaving me sat on the floor as confused as ever, but she ignores me, focusing on Liam. "You should get rid of the body now."

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