fifty five // numb

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idk who the girl is in this gif I just needed one to relate to this chapter, enjoy x


I let out a sigh as I inspect my dress in the floor length mirror in my room, trying to work out if I like it or not. I purse my lips as my hands smooth down the fabric over my hips, adjusting the straps over my shoulders.

As I was dragged here with no clothes or any belongings, Owen was gracious enough to let me out of the house so I could go shopping, which I was pretty excited about, until I realised I would also have two bodyguards with me the whole time. To make things even better, Dan ended up joining us on our shopping spree, clearly not minding taking full advantage of his uncle's limitless cash.

Nevertheless, I spent hours searching through every clothing shop I could find, purely just to pass the time, picking out so many clothes that we had to make several trips back to the car. I didn't even glance at the prices of anything, my plan was just that if I liked it, I was having it. It's not like Owen couldn't afford it and I decided that I deserved it after all he's put me through.

Today's been the first day I've actually put on some proper clothes and left the house. We've been in the Dominican Republic for three days now, but I've already established a routine for myself. I get up and drag myself downstairs for breakfast, made by the chef that Owen hired, and then head back up to bed until about 10 or 11. I usually find something to do once I get up, like swimming or watching a film in the cinema room, before I head back into the dining room for lunch. I spend the rest of the day pretty much doing nothing before eating dinner, where I can finally have a drink, or mostly the whole bottle, which I usually end up taking to bed with me.

I know that I'm being ungrateful about all of this. I'm sure that jetting off to a luxury villa in the Dominican Republic with an array of gourmet food at your fingertips would be any girl's dream, but sadly, it's not mine. The only thing I can think about as I walk down the long hallways, escorted by Owen's men of course, is how utterly lonely I am. Even with all of these people around me, the only person I actually want with me isn't here, and after everything I've done, he probably won't ever be again.

I know that things could be worse, and that I'm not technically behind bars or sporting shackles or handcuffs, but I'm a prisoner all the same.

Speaking of being a prisoner, one of my captors suddenly knocks on my bedroom door for about the 20th time, his voice calling through the wood. "Alicia, dinner is ready," he tells me again, beginning to sound annoyed now.

I let out a small sigh, ignoring him while I continue to adjust my dress. I'm getting truly fed up of having to attend these fancy dinners in the dining room, mostly because I actually have to get dressed and drag myself downstairs. I don't even see the point of them, I think it's just Owen's way to check up on us and make sure that we're all behaving, me especially.

I've already had a few incidents since being here, one of which involved me shouting at one of the men for following me all the time and then throwing my bottle of wine across the room, which ended up splashing one of the plush white couches and staining it. Needless to say, Owen wasn't very happy about that.

So, since then I've had to be on my best behaviour and act like I'm not being held here against my will, but actually enjoying myself, which is harder to do than you'd think. I have to be poised and respectful at dinner under Owen's watchful eye, although that usually only lasts until he heads back into his office and then I go back to the cold, emotionless version of myself that I've become lately. Not that I mind though, because I've realised how exhausting it is to be nice to everyone all the time. It's much easier to just be moody and openly let people know you hate them.

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