fifteen // nice guys and quick goodbyes

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After what seems like hours of me begging, Harry gives in and pulls up outside a clothes shop so I can finally change into a proper outfit instead of his baggy hand-me-downs. As I'm browsing through the racks, he always stays close behind me, his eyes cautiously scanning the store around us as if someone with a gun is going to pop out from the knitted wear. He even follows me when I head over to the underwear section and when I tell him to go away, he raises his eyebrows at me before finally walking off huffily, telling me he's just going to be around the corner.

I worry a little about how much I should pick up because I don't know how much money Harry has on him, but I also don't know when I'll be able to get my hands on new clothes again. Besides, I could always pay him back when, or if, this is finally over. I pick up a pair of jeans and two pairs of leggings, a few shirts and some more underwear. When I'm finally done and walk back over to Harry, his eyes land on the pile of clothes in my arms.

"Want to buy the whole shop while you're at it?" He asks sarcastically, steering me over to pay before I can even reply to his unfunny remark.

"Wait." I say, placing my hand on his chest to stop him when I remember the underwear hidden beneath the other clothes. An image of Harry picking them out and placing them on the counter to pay for them flashes through my head and I feel embarrassed at just the thought.

"What?" Harry asks in an annoyed voice.

"How about you go and pay for your stuff over there," I say, gesturing towards the other till. "And I pay for mine over here."

"Alicia, you're acting like I've never seen a bra before." Harry says in a monotone voice, raising his eyebrows. I blush slightly, but luckily, he doesn't notice. I'm sure he'd never stop winding me up me about that.

"Just let me do something on my own." I argue back and Harry presses his tongue into his cheek, clearly growing irritated with me.

"The last time I let you do something on your own, you almost got killed. Remember that?"

"But you're the one who let me go out alone anyway." I quip back and Harry narrows his eyes at me, obviously not appreciating my backchat. I bite my lip, brushing some hair out of my face and looking right at Harry with big, doe-eyes. I doubt it will have any affect, but I can try I guess. "Please?"

Harry sighs, clenching his jaw before grabbing a wad of cash from his pocket and shoving it into my hand. "Hurry up." He says before heading off to the till in the opposite side of the shop.

When I go to pay, I'm greeted by a young looking boy with light brown hair styled into a quiff and bright blue eyes, wearing the store's uniform and a warm smile on his lips as I walk over. "Good morning." He says as I place all my clothes on the counter. The boy picks them up and begins scanning them, folding them up into a bag next to him.

"Morning." I smile back, a sudden yawn escaping my lips.

"Long night?" He asks with a small laugh and I nod.

"You have no idea." I sigh, leaning against the counter. "I'm exhausted."

"I know the feeling." The boy replies and I can't help but smile again as he just has a really contagious, friendly grin. "I'm Leon, by the way."

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