thirty one // the perfect storm

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The next day, I'm bent over my small collection of clothes, rummaging through them in hopes to find a jumper. It rained all night and the bad weather seems to be continuing throughout the day, accompanied by strong gusts of wind which makes the whole house feel as if it's shaking. It's also extremely cold, and because I can't stay curled up in bed all day like I want to, I'm trying to stay cosy by bundling myself up in warm clothes.

I throw some of my clothes across the room, somehow not able to find what I'm looking for. All of my belongings, or lack there of, are a complete mess, which doesn't help to calm me at all. I like to be organised and have everything in order, like my clothes to be hung up in a wardrobe, and not have to constantly live out of suitcases.

A frustrated sigh leaves my lips as I toss another shirt onto the floor, standing up straight again, only to have a voice behind me speak up and almost make me fall over again.

"What are you doing?" Harry rasps from behind me. I immediately spin around to find him standing with his back pressed against the wall, arms folded across his chest as he watches me intently.

I furrow my eyebrows. "How long have you been standing there?"

His lips arch into a small smirk. "Long enough to see you bent over that suitcase. Quite the view."

I roll my eyes at him. "You're disgusting."

"Not my fault you decide to walk around the house in almost nothing."

"I'm in the privacy of my own room," I remind him. "I should be able to wear what I want. And you should knock."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Harry replies carelessly, taking a few strides forwards until he's standing in front of me. I bring my gaze up to his, waiting for what he's about to say next. "Anyway, I came up here to tell you that the next time you're trying to be nosy when I'm in the shower, you should know that my laptop tells me when someone's tried to guess the password."

I arch one eyebrow. "I have no idea what you're talking about," I say, trying to turn around but Harry stops me by placing his hands on my hips.

"Don't lie to me," he warns, scanning me up and down with those beautiful green eyes of his. "I can always tell when you're lying."

"Can you?" I ask confidently, although I'm finding myself very distracted by how Harry's hands are still gripping hold of my hips.

"Yes, I can. You're very easy to read," he replies. "So, I suggest you don't try that again."

I just sigh, finally pulling away from him. "Fine, whatever."

"I thought after yesterday you decided you'd stop trying to find answers?" Harry asks curiously, a slight frown taking over his features as he stares at me.

"You decided that," I remind him. "But like I said, whatever. It's not like I can ever find out anything anyway."

I turn away from him, picking up one of my shirts from the floor and folding it up, throwing it back into my pile of clothes. The whole time I'm doing this, I can feel Harry's gaze on me, and I'm tempted to ask him what the hell he wants, but I don't have enough energy for another argument. He clearly does though, because otherwise he wouldn't still be here. He only hangs around me so much because he likes to wind me up. It's infuriating.

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