seventy two // home sweet home

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"You really don't have to do this, if you don't want to," I tell Alicia for about the tenth time now, but I really want to make sure she knows. "We can send someone in, get what you need. You don't even have to step a foot inside-"

"Harry," Alicia says firmly, cutting me off. She reaches out to place her hand over mine which is resting on her thigh, giving it a squeeze. "I'll be fine. I've told you that a hundred times."

"I know, but I'm just saying if you don't want to-"

"Harry," she says again, shooting me a disapproving look. "I want to."

I just stare at her for a while, searching her face for any sign of hesitation or reluctance, however I find none. I let out a defeated sigh, nodding my head slowly in agreement. "Ok, fine."

"You're coming in with me, right?" she checks, her eyes flickering up to mine.

"Of course," I tell her softly. "As long as you want me to."

Her lips arch into a small smile and she nods. "I do."

"Then let's go."

I tighten my grip on Alicia's hand and then step out of the car and onto the ground below, gently pulling her out after me. When I quickly glance down at her, I notice a flash of emotion cover her face as she stares at the building in front of us which she once called home.

I watch as she swallows hard, seeming to be preparing herself to step into the place she hasn't returned to since this whole thing began. Whether she'll admit it or not, I know this is a big deal for her. For the whole ride over here, she didn't stop talking, probably saying the most she has for weeks now. She tried to keep up the whole careless and causal facade, but I could tell she was only spouting nonsense as a way to distract herself from what she would have to go through once the car finally stopped.

Now, that facade is beginning to slip, although she seems to be trying her best to maintain it. She blinks rapidly and shakes her head as if to rid herself of all the memories that must be flooding back, gently tugging on my hand to walk forward.

After walking up the steps and reaching the door, she lets out a surprised breath at the door which has since had the glass smashed in, the remaining wood littered with bullet holes. She glances up at me and I gradually bring my gaze to hers, noticing a glassy look in her eyes.

"They did this?" she asks me quietly, looking back at the door and I nod in confirmation. "When they were looking for me?"

"Yeah. Apparently it's a mess inside too," I tell her and her eyes widen slightly. "So if you don't want to go in......"

She shakes her head, seeming to be firmly sticking to her decision. "No, I am," she says. "I want to."

I nod again, turning back to the door. With my free hand, I reach out and wiggle the door handle a few times until I hear a click and the door opens, the lock clearly damaged when it was shot at. Alicia lets out another long, shaky breath before she steps into the hallway, glancing around her in shock.

Everything that was glass in the room is now broken and remains nothing but sharp shards covering the marble floor. The chandelier lays in the middle of it all, still sparkling in the slivers of sunlight that manage to slip through the windows, offering the only beauty amidst the ugly destruction of everything else.

"Let's go upstairs," Alicia murmurs, clearly not wanting to be down here to look at this mess any longer.

I nod in reply, letting her slowly pull me up the stairs. She stays silent as we make our way through the hallway, her eyes focused straight ahead. I take the time to look around me, vaguely remembering my surroundings from when I was here last, despite how I only saw it from the light of the torch.

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