sixty four // out of reach

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this hasn't been edited so sorry for any mistakes but I honestly can't be fucked lol enjoy


I wake up the next morning to find mine and Harry's bodies tangled together, our limbs twisting around each other in one complete and utter mess. Groggily lifting my head from where it was resting on his warm chest, I let out a small yawn before I begin to untangle myself, deciding I should probably go and get ready for the day.

"And where do you think you're going?"

My movements are halted by the sound of Harry's raspy morning voice, causing me to look over at him. Before I can do anything else or even reply, he suddenly reaches out and loops his arm around my waist, pulling my body back against him.

"I was going to get up," I tell him.

"No," he says, shaking his head before pulling me closer again, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. "You're not going anywhere."

My lips quirk into a smile, feeling like my heart is going to burst with love as I glance down at the sleepy man resting his head against me, looking as cute as ever. If someone told me a few months ago that I'd be in this situation right now, laying in a bed in my dad's house with Harry wrapped around me, I would have told them they should probably go and get their head checked. Or I would've been disgusted, seeing as Harry and I didn't really get on too well back then.

But things are different now. In fact, everything is different now. I've changed, and the people around me have definitely changed. My dad, who I once thought was a workaholic businessman, was actually an experienced man of the mafia, working with them before I was even born and throughout my childhood. I had started to believe and accept the fact I'd probably never see my dad again, but now I'm here with him, and I although I may still be a little angry, I understand now that he was always trying to protect me. That's what dads are supposed to do, I guess.

And then there's Harry. The man who I once thought was Satan himself reincarnated into a skinny jean wearing, curly haired, bad-tempered asshole, who actually turned out to be the man I fell so hopelessly in love with. That was definitely something I never expected to happen. I'm still not sure exactly how it happened, I just know that I'm glad it did.

Even when we hated each other and would spend most of our days screaming back and forth, he always managed to protect me. Looking back, I can see now that he was the only one who actually kept me sane throughout everything. It was never part of his job, but he always managed to calm me down, convincing me that everything would be ok and trying to ease my worries the best he could. He was simply just there for me at a time when I needed him the most, and that's something I'll always be grateful for.

But things are different now, even still. Protecting me is now Harry's instinct, something he doesn't even need to think about. I know that whenever happens, he's always going to be there, ready to catch my fall, because he loves me. And I love him. That's just the way it is.

"Don't you have work to do today?" I ask him curiously, aimlessly beginning to run my fingers through his hair as his head is still buried in my neck.

"Yeah, but I'm the boss, so we'll start whenever I want to," he murmurs. "But right now, I'm quite enjoying this peaceful morning with my girl."

My lips stretch into a small smile, my heart feeling like it's doing backflips inside my chest. We stay laying down together for a little while longer, both of us enjoying the quiet. My hands continue to run through Harry's hair, feeling much softer now as it's freshly-washed, the strands easily slipping through my fingers.

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