sixteen // bumpy ride

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I'm so good at updating lately but really it's just me procrastinating from studying for exams whoops

also you're all gonna hate me for this chapter, sorry in advance;)


"New York?" I repeat, slightly surprised by this news. "Why?"

"Everyone will probably have expected you to already be out of the country. Delaying it until now gives us an advantage as they're probably all over the place looking for you." Harry tells me simply and I notice we are now drawing closer to the car park.

"Why New York?"

"Owen has a lot of connections there, as well as a few houses and apartments dotted around. It'll be easier to protect you from there."

"So why-"

"No. That's all I'm telling you." Harry says sternly. "Remember what I told you about asking too many questions?"

"I know but-"

"Alicia." Harry warns, pulling up into a parking space and then turning his head to shoot me a warning look.

The car suddenly stops and Harry pulls out his keys, reaching out and opening the door. He steps out and then grabs his bag from the back seats while I stare around me, too confused and exhausted to take all of this in. I think back to a few days ago when I was just a normal college student, and now here I am, being shoved onto a plane halfway across the world to get away from men who want to kill me. It's all a little too far-fetched for me to handle.

I jump a little when I hear the door next to me open, revealing Harry standing behind it. "Out." He orders and I quickly oblige, climbing out of the car. I shiver as soon as the cold wind hits me, sneaking down my collar and sleeves, causing me to wrap my arms around my body to conserve body heat. Harry leads me into the airport, walking very fast and taking large strides so that I basically have to jog in order to keep up.

We finally enter the freezing airport, the lights so bright that I have to squint as I follow Harry through the crowds. I'm surprised at the fact that it's so late at night yet the airport is still incredibly busy. I'm almost lost in the sea of tired and grumpy travellers a few times, having to grab hold of Harry's arm so I don't lose him amidst it all. When my hand desperately latches onto his leather-clad bicep, he shoots me a confused look over his shoulder but then realizes why I'm doing it, and he reaches out to grasp my arm, helping to pull me forward. I can't help but notice how his grip isn't as tight as usual.

It seems like we've been walking for hours before Harry suddenly stops, his eyes scanning the area curiously. His gaze finally lands on something and then he tugs me forward again, leading me over to a man dressed in all black, matching black hair styled into a perfect quiff, not one hair out of place, making both Harry and I look like rugged messes.

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