eighty // problem

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the povs switch quite a few times in this chapter, but it's needed in order to explain what's going on, so I hope you don't mind. Enjoy x


My shaky hands reach up to push the second earring through the hole in my ear, fastening it at the back to complete my look. I let my hands drop to my sides once I'm done, running my hands down my dress in an attempt to smooth out any creases.

I'm wearing a beautiful black gown, picked out specifically by Owen as he said the colour would suit my tanned skin, and would make me look particularly 'desirable', which apparently is very important for the events taking place tonight. I had to resist the urge to spit in his face as he told me that, forcing myself to bite my tongue as I sat in the chair before him.

I had to sit there for about 20 minutes, surrounded by a room of Owen's men, including Dan sat slyly in the corner, as Owen explained to us all what is going to happen tonight. I know they're deliberately keeping stuff from me, but I'm very used to that by now so I managed to get the main gist of everything. From what I pieced together, we're going to be leaving in a few hours to some grand hotel where the events are being held. From the outside looking in, it's simply a charity gala where jewellery will be auctioned off. Only a few people dusted throughout the crowd will know what's really being auctioned.


And I've been told they're willing to spend every penny.

I let out a sigh as I walk across to the other side of the room to grab my shoes, pulling my leg up onto the chair so I can slip them on and tie the laces. Just as I'm finishing the last shoe, the door is suddenly thrown open and Dan strolls in, causing my face to slip into a scowl.

"That's not a very nice face to match that dress," he quips, clearly trying to be humorous but he has never, and never will, possess that trait. "Not very nice shoes either. Owen won't let you wear those."

"Why?" I ask with a small laugh, pulling myself up. "Will it lower my value?"

"Yes," he replies simply, a small smirk on his face as he takes a few steps closer to me. "Don't worry, you look pretty though. Just need a bit of makeup," he adds, brushing his thumb against my chin.

I immediately pull back in disgust, practically snarling at him. "Get your hands off me."

He just laughs again, sighing. "I remember a time when you used to say the opposite."

"That wasn't real. So I decided to forget all of it."

"As if," Dan scoffs. "You couldn't forget it if you tried."

"Yes I can," I snap. "You betrayed me, lied to me. You weren't the person you said you were."

"You could say the same about your boyfriend," Dan reminds me in a mocking tone. "He lied to you. He was your kidnapper. He definitely wasn't the person he said he was."

"He only did that because he was following orders," I point out. "If he didn't, Owen would've killed him. But Harry has more to him, he's sweet and caring and gentle. He protected me when no one else would, put my life before his, didn't care about what his boss said because he cared too much about me. He isn't like you, he's not some drone who blindly does whatever Owen says."

Dan clenches his jaw, anger flashing in his eyes. "I'd be careful what you say to me right now."

"Why? Are you going to hurt me?" I ask him, not able to push back the laugh of disbelief. "Good luck with that. Owen would have one of his guys' hands around your neck before you could even leave me with a scratch."

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