Chapter Twenty-two

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I pull my pants back up and stand up.
"That was Birthday sex if you ask me." Misha smiled.
"That was basically the 'I don't feel like getting naked' sex." I chuckle.
"Great name."
"I call first shower tonight."
"Babe. We can save money by taking a shower together too!"
"We'll see."

I wash my hands and start unboxing things.
"Okay, 1, fix ya pants, and 2, what time is it?"
"Fuck... " I groan.
"It's too early for dinner."

"I'll be back." Misha fixes his pants and puts his shoes on. "I'm going to get a few things." He gives me a quick kiss on the lips and grabs his keys to head out.
I did some cleaning, organizing, unboxing new things. I did boring stuff while Misha just all of a sudden left.
It was about an hour later and I heard a knock on the door.
I ran to open it and in came Misha.

"So...theres a few things here. I got you a lot of things you personally need to survive." I step aside and let him in.
"So these are for you and they're red." He handed me a set of red roses. "I know Red is your favorite color."
"You are very correct."
"I got a vase because you need somewhere to put those. I got us matching mugs of that picture we took on that bench. I got you milk because you use it to make your hot coco. Um...I got cinnamon, peppermint tea, marshmallows, chocolate, ice cream...Oh! And I got you some Cubway and I picked up your cake."
I stared at him for a second and then quickly reached up to kiss him.
"You spoil me." I go fill up the vase with water and then put the roses in it. Misha puts stuff in the fridge and freezer and then hands me my sandwich.
"Let's see how you remember." I open it up and look inside. "Toasted, turkey, provolone, lettuce, olives and no sauce. Only you would remember that. "
"It's not too complicated."
"It is for me. I suck at ordering."
"Oh! Good job on doing all this stuff around here while I was gone. Sorry if I worried you because I was gone for an hour. The stores around here are so scattered." He took a large bite of his sandwich.

I take my sandwich to the little dining table.
"Come eat at the table." He shrugs and sits in the seat next to me.
We silently eat our sandwiches but Misha finished before me.
"I noticed the TV was sitting on top of one of those fake fireplaces."
"I've always wanted a real fireplace." I say and wrap up the other half of my sandwich.
"Oh yea? Maybe when we get a house we can try and get one."
"We need jobs."
"I know."
"Mom has been helping way too much."
"Well lets look." He gets up and grabs a blanket. "C'mon."
I follow behind him and sit next to him on the floor. He wraps the blanket around us and pulls his phone out.

"Do you have this app?"
"What is it?"
"It like...shows available jobs around you."
"I suggest getting it. Theres some jobs I could see you doing." I download the app and opened it.
"Wait! Look!" He peeks over at my phone and shifts his eyes at me. "Not for me! For you. You would be a hecking good entertainer. You just go around to schools and do whatever."
"But I mean...It just doesn't seem like me."
"You are constantly singing. In the shower, before bed, everywhere."
"I'm not lying! You are hella good, too. I love to hear you sing, but as soon as I walk in you stop."
"That's because I get shy and embarrassed..."
"You sung to me at my old house."
"That's because it was you. I don't know...I'm just not confident enough. And you do remember I'm not good with kids..."

I take a deep breath and continue.
"You're right. I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Trying to push you to do it. It's not about me."
"Here. Let me see." We switch phones and he starts filling it out.
" don't have to if you don't want to!"
"I do want to. I want to be able to be more confident and I want to share the same love for kids as you do."
He kissed my cheek and continued filling it out.
"How's that beard?" He asks and smiles.
"Not bad." I reach up and touch it. "You need to shave that neck beard though."
"I will." He handed my phone back and took his.

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