Chapter Four

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"Anyways...I have one question for you..." He paused for a moment to turn and look at me.
"Will you go out with me?"
My eyes widen as I couldn't believe what I was hearing! He was asking me out?
I can't say yes. Can I? No... But I like him...I really do...
Shit! He's waiting for an answer...

"Misha...I kind of... Can't really accept right now... I have a lot to deal with at the moment. I don't think now is a good time for me."

He let go of my hand
"I knew I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Jay. I-I didn't think about how you felt in this situation and I know it's early. I hope you forgive me..."
I could tell in his words that he was choking back some tears. It's not easy to get rejected over anything.

"It's fine. But I want you to know where I stand with you. I like you. I really do. But right now, I'm having some difficulties in my classes. Just know I don't hate you and I don't want you to run away and be angry with me..."

I got up and began to walk away, trying not to look rude. I successfully got away without being stopped. It hurts to reject him.

When I got back to my dorm, I changed into something comfy and sat on my bed. Since I already did the weeks homework, I decided to work on math practice as that was the hardest class I had. I did about 20 problems to be sure I knew the material, because I had a test on Monday. Honestly, it felt like something was missing. Was it that Misha wasn't here?

It must have been. Everything else was here. I feel awful for rejecting him and then telling him I liked him.

It was already 10 pm, and Misha wasn't here. I had classes tomorrow so I decided to go to sleep. It was tiring to do those 20 problems but I think everything will turn out okay with that test.

When I woke up that next morning, Misha still hadn't shown up. He never even came home last night. I began getting worried but i need to worry about myself.
I did my usual with the shower, and the teeth, and the backpack, yadayadayada~,

I was walking to my first hour but something seemed wrong. It seemed like people were giving me glares...
I don't know if I did something wrong, but I felt slightly hurt...

Misha came out of nowhere and shoved me into a room where no one was at.
"This isn't good." Was all he said before he quickly pulled out his phone from his back pocket. He showed his screen to me and a video played.
It had our conversation from last night on it.

I looked up at him with a mortified expression on my face.
"I know. Me too." He quickly replied.
"What do we do?" I ask, attempting to stay calm.

"Wait. Show me the clip again..." I asked, with a conclusion in my head.

" I really do. But right now, I'm having some difficulties in some of my classes. Just know I don't hate you and I don't want you to run away and be angry with me. "

"Hold on a second. This cuts out the whole conversation! There's nothing else to give anybody a conclusion. So everything in here...people are making up the rest." I stared into his beautiful eyes.

"Yes, but the team gave rumors and I'm trying to get people to ignore them. It's obviously not working. They know it's you in the video but they don't know it's me, too."

"Then say something?"
"Do I look like I want you to get into a big cloud of nothing but rain? No."

He cares for me... I can tell.
"Tell Sarah about it and tell her to start telling people you were talking to her about this whole thing."
"As in...?" I question.
" Okay. Go tell Sarah to talk to people about you rejecting her. "
"But that didn't happen..."
"Exactly! Now go!"

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