Chapter Six

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"Is it weird that I really want sun chips?"
"Mmm...not really. I love sun chips." He replied.
"Can we get some today? I haven't had them in a fat minute..."
"Well, get ready then, sleepy head!"
I sprung out of bed and quickly ran to my dresser to get some clothes. I heard him laugh at me as he took a seat on his bed and watched. I shot him a quick glare, resulting him to throw his hand up in defeat. I quickly skipped into the bathroom to change, brush my teeth, and wash my face.

After doing my daily thing, I went and left the bathroom to get my shoes and socks on.
"Mmk. I'm good."
"It's only been 10 minutes, dummy."
"It feels like forever when I'm waiting on you."

As we were walking out of the dorm, I realized we haven't said too much. I looked up at him-because he's taller-and he looked down at me and smiled.
"What's so funny?" I asked curiously.
"Nothing. I'm just happy I get to spend today with you. We're going to drop by Sarah's real quick."
I followed alongside him and we quickly got to Sarah's dorm. He knocked on the door and the door quickly swung open.
She invited us in and we took a seat on her bed.

"So why are you guys here today? It seems a little odd that both of you are here at the same time."
"I don't have anything to say." He looked at me with his bright blue oceanic eyes. "But we have something to show you... "
She looked at Misha and I back and fourth, clearly confused on what we had to show her. Misha reached his hand up to cup my cheek and leaned into about a 4 second kiss. We both pulled away to look at her reaction.


Her jaw was dropped so low I almost couldn't believe it.
"He's gay too? Did he know that you were gay? How did this happen?" She filled up my cue with questions I now had to answer.
"Yes, yes,'s a long story." I replied with a small giggle interrupting my sentence.
"Devin and James can't know. Okay? Neither can Dawn!"
Devin and James were some nice friends and Dawn was Sarah's roommate.
"Don't worry. Your secret is safe! I swear."

She asked a few questions before letting us go on our way.
As we were walking to get off campus, Misha had that same smile on his face.
"Still happy?" I asked, as I already knew the answer.
"Duh... I'm glad Sarah didn't really make a huge deal about it."
"Me too." I said and looked down at the floor to watch where I was going.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asked while opening the door of the dorm building.
"Quite a bit actually. None of its really all that important. It's more of walk faster so I can get my Sun chips." I replied and waddled out the door.
"Should have just said something." He picked up his pace quite a bit.
When we got off campus we went into a local Talmart that was next door.
"What are we here for, babe?"
"Pfft! Sun chips! And where did the "babe" come from?" I asked, punching him playfully on the shoulder.
"You dont like it?"
"That's not what I said!"
"Sure sounded like it!" He let out a small chuckle.

We walked around the store and messed around, and broke some things. No...literally. We broke a glass and I showed him how to act like it wasn't us. The worker came by and said "Did you guys break this glass?"
We replied with a "No ma'am! We saw the man jolt away. He had black curly hair, a red shirt, and he was pretty tan." In all reality, we were describing some random person we had seen in the store earlier.

We got to the chip isle and my luck, they were too high up for me to reach.
"Misha...I can't reach the chips."
He smirked slightly and reached up to get it for me.
"Stores are stupid! Why do they put things up so high?"
He handed me the chips and started laughing to himself.

I gave him the side eye and he totally caught on.
"Fine! I dare you to open that and eat it."
"We're buying them anyways!"
"So? I'm not doing it."

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