Chapter Twenty-one

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"Sorry about that, Sarah." Misha apologizes and sits on the inside of the booth this time.
"It's a cycle." Misha switches our food as Sarah just stares blankly.
"Did it just start?"
"Last night."
"Oh. I'm sorry you have to deal with it. It kind of reminds me of a period but periods are way more consistent."
"Gross." Misha and I sync.
"Not gross! I get my period every month. I'm not ashamed."
"Okay! We're going to eat now!" Misha interrupts.

We dig in but I still wasn't the full me.
"You still look pale..." Misha directs to me and puts his hand on my forehead. "And you're burning up still."
"My head hurts, too."
"Well, we can head home after we eat."
"We have a lot to do today..." I argue.
"We can't do it when you're like that." He ruffles my hair and then rests his arm behind me on the chair.
"He is right, Jay. He's looking after you." She leans back and smiles. "He's a pretty great boyfriend for that."
Misha rubs his slow growing beard and avoids eye contact with Sarah.
"It's true." I say and look at him. He looks back at me and pulls me into a kiss.
"Aww how sweet!" Sarah says. He doesn't release, but instead he asked for entrance, which I didn't mind.
Sarah probably felt 3rd wheeled and this explains why she just got up and left.

Misha grabbed my sides and pulled me closer. He released the kiss and whispered to me.
"I wanted to be alone with you."
"You have quite the ways to do things."
"Shush." He kissed me again and released quickly. I reached up and put my hand on his forehead.
"Look. You're warm now too."
"That's because you're cute."
"Well! Whatever!"
"I'm getting hard..." He whispers and grabs my hand. He places it on his crotch and holds it there.
"U-Um...W-We're in a restaurant."
"I know..."
"N-Not here!"
"You're right. Into the bathroom!"
"What!" I blush.
"I'm joking! But I wasn't joking about getting hard." He laughed.
"You need to work on being readable." I take my hand back as Sarah comes back.
"Sorry guys! My break is over. You guys can have this one on the house. Happy birthday, Jaymes." She smiles and takes her plate away.

I take a bite of my now cold food.
"Gimme your bacon."
"Take it." I reply. He reaches over and grabs a piece.
We ate for a bit before we got up and left.
"How are you feeling?"
"Better now that I ate. My head doesn't hurt."
"Are you lying so we can go shopping?"
"Let me drive though."
"Nope! It's right there." I point across the parking lot and unlock my car. "You barely fit in my car anyways."
I jump in my car and start it up. Cold air flies up as Misha gets in.
"You guna say something?" I ask.
"Happy birthday. And I'm mad because you won't let me drive you."
"Thank you and you can be mad all you want but I'm driving. Love you."
He sighs and pouts. "I love you, too."

We drove over to the home store and went in right away.
"Listen up, babe." I say and grab the collar of his shirt. "Don't break anything. Please don't draw attention either. I hate attention."
"I dunno if I can do that...unless I get a kiss."
"That's calling for attention."
He grabbed my hand and ran me to an empty isle.
"Kiss." He smirks. I stand on my tippy toes and plant a quick kiss on his lips. "More than that." I do the same and do a make out kind of kiss but not nearly as long.
"Much better. I'll behave for a bit...maybe."
"Go get a cart, Misha." He leaves and comes back with a cart and follows me with it.

I hear some girls laughing and coming into the isle we were in. I stuffed my hands in my pocket as they walked past me and went to Misha.
"Hey! What's your name?" One of the girls asks.
"Because we think you're hot."
"That's nice." He lets go of the cart and puts his hands behind his neck. "I don't care?"
"Can I feel your muscles?" The shortest girl says. Misha's eyes open wide and backed away from the girl.
"Don't touch me." All three girls come in and start swarming him. He quickly smirked. "Actually..."
I felt my heart crush a little.
"Want me to show you something hot?"
"Yes!" All the girls say. Misha walked over to me, bent down, and kissed me on the lips. He had that feeling that was saying "Don't stop." I leaned into his kiss as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Gross..." A girl said and walked off. "What a shame..."

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